I almost drove my credit report to the mechanics shop today. Seems there is a derogatory account that needs some tuning up.
Sassy, where did you get your hat? Does it work? I need a new one, mine is leaking my thoughts, and they are able to send some of the messages through the tin foil. Where's Mulder when you need him??
I made it, Breeze!!!!!!!! I used the store brand tin foil the first time but it was only good for incoming transmissions not outgoing ones. You've noticed my concerns the last few days, MIB, equifax medical services, the new HIPAA laws, criminal records -- well, I was worried equifax would start reporting my concerns under the information section, so I devised a DOUBLE-layered tin foil hat from reynolds brand heavy duty foil, that seems to be working so far. It was Scully that gave me the hint ;-) -- Mulder (just like a man huh?) STILL can't figure out those baggies with the built-in zipper. Sassy
Re: criminal records GEORGE | 8756 posts since Mar 2000 | 06.04.2002 @ 22:20 ***FELONY LIBRARY BOOK FINE*** Couldn't resist.. ====== Good one george
Re: Sassy's hat sassy girl, my daughter has no idea what I am sitting here doing, other than I'm on the PC, "working on some issues with CR's" But when I read about you double layer tin foil hat, I was laughing so hard, I snorted coffee up my nose, and droodled on the key board. Had to stop what I was doing to get a napkin to clean up !! She could not understand what could possibly be so funny on a discussion board about Credit. I think she thinks I am in some kinky chat room, instead. thanks for the diversion
Re: Sassy's hat LOL Maggie, It was good George and Breeze started distracting me from the seriousness of this thread; it really is mind boggling. You have been reading along with the thread about reports for airline travel? We'll have to devise ourselves double-layered tinfoil SUITS with drop-seat bottoms!!!!!!! I'm sorry you snorted coffee and drooled, I always hate to have to clean that up! LOL Sassy