Critique Amex Delete to pay letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MannyL, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    I want to send Amex a delete to pay letter. I owe them $311.00 does the letter below look acceptable?

    In regards to:
    J. Hamilton
    American Express
    Credit Bureau Unit
    Attn: J Hamilton
    PO Box 7871
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33329
    Dear J. Hamilton,
    It has come to my attention that I have an account that your firm charged off. The account number is <Account # removed for posting>. According to the information I found on my credit report I owe your firm $311.00. I readily admit this is a valid debt that I owe your firm. It came into being because I had lost my job and was unable to pay my bills for a while. I have since found full time stable employment with a job where I make significantly less per week than I made before. I understand this is no excuse for not paying a debt I have incurred and would like to make three payments to pay this off. In exchange for paying the full debt I owe I would like you to either delete this account from the information you provide the credit bureaus you report to, or update it as paid in full, not late. If you agree to this, the first payment would be made no later than 21 days from receipt of your agreement in the amount of $150.00 the second payment would be made four weeks later in the amount of $150.00 and the last payment would be made four weeks after that in the amount of $11.00 totaling the $311.00 I owe.

  2. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    Your letter sounds fine, but I would break it up into a couple of paragraphs so it's easier to read.

    As I indicated in my last reply to your other post, Amex is really tough to deal with. Maybe you'll get lucky with them, but based on my experience, I wouldn't count on it. Good luck!
  3. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    TR, I say nothing ventured, noting gained. The small price to pay to send it Certified Mail, is worth the possible positive outcome.
  4. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    You might also want to try Planet Feedback. A phone call wouldn't hurt either.
  5. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    Sent the same letter though Planet Feedback, Not going to call them because I get flustered on the phone and I want things in writing from now on. But thanks for that advice.

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