In 5/97 I opened an account with Cross Country. I was young and it was my 1st credit card. I mismanaged my account and it went to collection for original 30 day delinquency in 3/98. Cross country charged off the account in 5/99. In 2000 the sold the account to Midland Credit Mgt. I spoke to CCCLA about negotiating the acct with Cross Country and they said a paid charge off wouldnt help my credit report. I decided to bit the bullet and ride out the 7 years of bad reporting on my credit reports. Now here's the problem. I have disputed the account with Experian 6 times in the past year (by certified mail and online) and each time I dispute the account Cross Country re-ages the account and bumps the date of the original 30-day delinquency. I disputed the account under the FCRA to be deleted as on 3-05 the account's negative info was over 7 years old. Instead of deleting the account, Cross Country changed the delinquency date from 3-98 to 8-98, and each time I dispute with Experian the date gets changed. They now have the original delinquency date at 4/99 which is false. They also changed the original charge off date from 5-99 to 5-2005. I feel they are purposely doing this so that the account permanently stays on my report. Now i'm not disputing I owe them money, but the statue of limitations in my state (CA) state they can no longer sue me to collect. What are my options here? I keep getting denied loans because of this. Any help, suggestions, or advice would be appreciated. I'm also open to constructive criticism. Thanks to all who look at this post.
monty I had just walked away for the cpu when you posted. Look through all the vd letters there should be one regarding them violating you civil rights. Suggest that they correct their mistake or you may sue both. What type of credit are you being denied? If you need a credit card try they have secured cc. pay on time and in 6-12 months they may insecure it. $250-up$10000 If you need help in paying off CC go to: message board credit problems see thread credit card payoffs(the right way) "Credit cards are not money but a tool used to make money." WIZZARD
Hi Jenz123, thank you for your interest & reply. No I have not contacted Cross Country Bank. Here's the thing... I don't dispute the fact that I owe them money. BTW... My original credit limit with them was $750 and they are reporting $1608 as being due. I haven't received a call or notice from them since 1999. I'm confused as to what to do next. Experian will not re-investigate the debt again. I was hopeful the account would automatically come off my report in 3/2005, and when it didn't I disputed with Experian. When their investigation was over, they stated the account remained and that creditor verified info. The 1st 30 day derogatory entry date was changed from 3/98 to 8/98, and as I said in my earlier post, now it shows 4/99 with charge off dates in 2005. I don't know the best way to handle this. I sent Experian photocopies of thier trade listing from their (experian) reports from the past 3 years showing the original delinquency being 3/98. It just seems Cross Country Bank is side stepping the rules to keep posting the account loner than the 7 years. From what I understand (**please correct me if i'm wrong) in California under the statue of limitations they (cross country bank) have 4 years to sue me for the original debt. Well it's almost 6 years since the account was charged off. So they can't sue me over this. I'm fearful a debt validation letter is not an option because I don't dispute I owe the debt. I was thinking of waiting until 8/05 and diapute again with Experian, sending them a copy of the reports showing the dates being changed. I was also thinking of hiring that internet firm Lexington Law Firm to help me with this. I have been denied credit from other lenders (credit cards etc...) due to this. I mainly want it off. I have the feeling Cross Country bank will keep changing the original delinquency date so that the account stays on my report forever. Whew... I'm winded after all of that typing... I hope I clarified enough. On a final footnote.... As in my original post they (cross country) sold the account to Midland credit mgt, and I disputed their trade listing and it was deleted. Thanks for any other input you can offer.
Hi there.... Thanks for the reply... See my reply to jenz123 for what I have (and haven't) done... Any other suggestions? I could type in what my report says now if needed (experian report)
Credit repair can be frustrating can't it??? Send a DV type letter to the OC/CA stating they are illegally reaging the debt and if they don't remove it you will take appropriate legal action for damages. check the letter forum (which does need to be updated). i am not good with the legal mumbo-jumbo so i don't post the letters i use, but i do use the ones here to get an idea of what i need to write. Whether or not you owe it isn't the question - a DV can serve the purpose of getting items in question to report correctly or to rack of violations in order to "convince" them to delete.