Cross Country bank (lazy no go

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Bill, Jul 6, 2000.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest

    7 months ago I reported my credit card was being used illeagally and filled out dispute claims,sent letters,faxed Crooss country bank
    and called Oh about 30 times I told them some charges on my card were not made by me they said they would take care of the problem and never did so 7 months later now I'm taking them to court to make them do what they were supossed to do in the first place,so do your self a faver and dont open an acount with them!!!!!! because they dont give a damm about the customer.....just your monthley payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. J. Edgar

    J. Edgar Well-Known Member

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    I'm shocked, simply shocked, to learn that Cross Country Bank would have bad customer service and treat people like this.
  3. Gena

    Gena Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    I've had a terrible time with Cross Country over strange charges on several statements. I have called and written a total of 16 times in the last eight months and Cross Country's done nothing but be incredibly nasty and unhelpful. One rep just said, "That's your problem." Their errors are my problems? Cross Country's customer service is nonexistent! On top of everything, my last two payments have supposedly been lost in the mail, Cross Country calls night and day, and the first check they say they never received was actually cashed, but never posted to my account. Yet, I'm paying late fees!

    I am beginning to believe Cross Country may not be simply badly managed - they may be dishonest.
  4. Kathie

    Kathie Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    I started sending my payments certified mail three months ago and guess what, the payments get posted the same day they arrive. The best defense with these guys is a strong offense. By sending your payments certified mail (and you get the receipt) they cannot claim they didn't get it, or it never arrived, or it was mailed late.

    Get your letters and cancelled checks and file a small claims suit against them ASAP. If you have Caller Id don't answer any calls that say "unavailable". These are 800 numbers that get through the anonymous call block. They tried to harass me for an over the limit fee that was bogus and I just didn't take their calls. Also, I just signed up with a free Internet answering service that will answer your calls online, give you caller id, and options of where to send the call. Anyone that is "unavailable" gets sent to "reject" where they are told I am not available and doesn't let them leave a message. Don't get mad get even.
  5. Don

    Don Well-Known Member

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    also, visit www.jerrydj.comccb for the name and number of an attorney looking into CCB's antics...he very much would like to hear from you...
  6. spyguyjim

    spyguyjim Guest

    Telephone Systems to beat the

    I finally got fed up with phone calls, screening, using caller i.d., select call forwarding, blocking, etc. etc., so I signed up for

    They offer a web-based telephone answering system, individual phone numbers, e-mail address, and a fax service. Its $5.95 per month for your own direct local telephone number. You can even listen to your calls right over the net. Get this, you can listen to e-mails from any telephone! Pretty slick indeed!

    Now everytime I get a bill or apply for new credit, that's the number I give out. They can leave messages until they are blue in the face, they just can't reach me!! Just about every company I deal with uses this number.
  7. amboo

    amboo Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    I used to work at CCB as a bill collector and i quit because they are so bad about breaking the law. Warning: they will push you to do a pay by phone. DO NOT DO IT!!! When you write a check over the phone, it leaves your account completely open to them.
  8. amboo

    amboo Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    This place is dishonest as they come. If you had a check that was cashed and not credited, get a copy of the canceled check from your bank and fax them a COPY. They will probably tell you they didn't receive it and you will have to do it again, maybe more than once. But make sure you do it cause that is your proof.
  9. Len

    Len Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    Thanks, amboo, for your post. The Cross Country pay-by-phone scam is such blatant theft that people simply can't believe it really happens. I know it does.
  10. Cross Coun

    Cross Coun Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    Well it sounds like your soft and cant take it. I am glad you quit! If people would pay on time there would be no problem. Quit crying you people!
  11. MsPrincess

    MsPrincess Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    The PBP is not a scam. If people would read what they sign (i.e. the card holder agreement) in the first place then they won't be so uninformed. I am an associate w/ CCB and if people would learn to read before they sign then they would have something to complain about.
  12. MsPrincess

    MsPrincess Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    Now this is a lie. CCB does not take money from your account without your permission. I am an associate w/ CCB and we do NOT withdrawl from a checking account without the cardholders permission!
  13. Steven Z

    Steven Z Guest


    Taking out of both sides of your mouth amboo/Crooks Country Bank Troll is it?
  14. Len

    Len Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    Yes, I'm soft and can't take it. Cross Country taking money from my checking account in amounts I didn't authorize, whenever Cross Country felt like doing so, greatly upset me. The pay-by-phone scam, having money stolen like that, was something I just didn't handle well. I admit I'm not tough enough to be ideal Cross Country material.
  15. Len

    Len Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    I finally learned while dealing with Cross Country's highly acclaimed customer service department, to never believe anything said by anyone associated with Cross Country Bank.
    Only Cross Country could conceive of charging customers a fee to be ripped-off through the pay-by-phone scam.

    How do you Cross Country folks come up with all these ways to defraud customers? What a breed!
  16. Stormie

    Stormie Guest

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    I think thats a great idea Kathie. I bet that put them in their place. Hopefully with enough people taking a stand like that something will be done about this company. While some people may have had positive experiances with this company, there doesn't seem to be many. I'm just curious to know if any of you have written the BBB or the banking commission on this company ? With enough complaints something will be done.
  17. Don

    Don Well-Known Member

    RE: Cross Country bank (lazy n

    Where exactly in the card agreeement does it say a card holder is authorizing more than one debit per phone contact?..

    What about those multiple debits that never get credited?..

    I know, I know..."that NEVER happens here at Cross Country..."...
  18. Don

    Don Well-Known Member


    Interesting how the origination notes Huntington...isn't Huntington a CCB customer disservice location?...

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