OK...I sent a validation letter 2 times to them (cross Country)..and to MIDLAND management, and received this letter from CCB.. Dear yada yada, According to our records, you applied for a CCB account on xx-xx-1999...The Agreement governs your acct and states it will become effective once you or some one you authorize sign the card or obtain the first purchase or cash advance...yada yada BS BS BS Under the terms of the agreement, you remain responsible for the balance. on xx-xx-2003, your acct was sold to Midland...As we no longer retain ownership of your acct, you must call MCM @ # if you wish to discuss payment arrangements. QUESTION: since they do not own the acct can i argue this with the CB and delete the CCB acct Trade Line and settle with Midland?
QUESTION: since they do not own the acct can i argue this with the CB and delete the CCB acct Trade Line and settle with Midland? NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ************************************************************