Can you believe these guys? I am rebuilding my credit so my limit was initially $500. Before long it was bumped to $800. I am always at my limit because I use the card to travel. I have paid off the balance many times over. These f-ers have made a decent chunk of change off me. So I'm over my limit at my renewal date. I guess if this happens, they cancel your account. I don't remember reading this in the TOS but it could be there. Regardless, they want me to pay $50 to reinstate my account. Can you believe this? With the money they make on me compared to their average customer I would think they would gladly reinstate my card. I don't care how much the account closure affects my credit, I will never think about doing business with such a chicken-shit company again.
I'll pay the $50.00 to re-open the account... ...WHEN YOU INCREASE THE CREDIT LIMIT TO $2,000 AND REDUCE THE INTEREST RATE TO 9.99% FIXED!!!
Hi Shawn! Do not worry - it is the way they get fees! EVERYBODY gets done - maybe you got a bit ahead by getting a limit increase at no charge or a low fee? ANYWAY - dump them - apply for a CAP ONE or Orchard Bank card - you will get a Cap One I am sure and they won't screw you! You started a history and your current scores are good! YOu are now smarter and won't fall for this crap - you don't have to! Hey ~mindcrime~! later - dogman
Not sure exactly what scores they're looking for, however with 600+ scores all around, you shouldn't have any problem being approved. I suggest you try Capital One as well.
I might suggest that you actually read the terms of service for your next card so you'll understand the fee structure. This diatribe reminds me of blaming a snake for biting you. imo