Crown Jewelers question...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by aliciamaya, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. aliciamaya

    aliciamaya New Member

    I've been trying to figure this out for myself, but I'm still confused.

    I was of the understanding that you needed some sort of balance on Crown Jewelers in order for them to report. My balance is $30.95 and I just signed up & made my first purchase two weeks ago. I haven't paid my first payment yet because I wasn't sure if I needed to keep a balance for about a month in order for them to report. The minimum payment is $25, so I would just pay the entire balance instead of leaving a measley $5 on there.. It says in my introductory e-mail that the minimum payment is 5% of the PRIOR month's closing balance or $25. I haven't received a statement yet.

    So my question is this: do I need to pay my first payment today and rest assured that it will be reported, or can I wait till the end of August?

    Thanks a ton!!
  2. init2winit

    init2winit Well-Known Member

    Can you get the statement online?
  3. gmanfsu

    gmanfsu Well-Known Member

    My purchase came to $54 I believe. I paid $25 min immediately. Reported with a $29 balance on $500 limit before the next payment was due. I then paid it off for $29. That was 3 months ago. TU reporting $0 balance, EQ and EX still reporting a $29 balance...

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