Anyone have this reporting on their CR yet? If so, with what limit? And what size purchase did you make? I applied and was approved, but the terms sounded like the reported limit wouldn't be $1500, but rather the greater of what you spent in the last 12 months or $500...
I am waiting as well. Applied and approved in early March, ordered a cheezy pair of earings around the 25th. Didn't receive a monthly statement yet but made first payment before March 31st just in case, still have $53 balance. Read several posts that indicate they usually report during the first week of the month but saw some say the tradeline didn't show up until the second month. I'm hoping to see something soon, if not in the next few days I suppose I'll have to wait another month, Oh well, it took me a while to get into this mess, its going to take time to get out of it.
my CJ account is reporting on Experian I haven't check with the others yet but it reports the limit at 1500 and the balance currently says 0 but that is not right because I have made a purchase and I have a balance left of 40 dollars, my purchase was for 60.00
My CJ started reporting on EX the morning of the 4th. 1500 limit, 500 high balance, 0 current balance. I currently owe about $53. I read elsewhere that the balance will report one month behind so next month I expect that to show up. Still not reporting to TU or EQ. Hoping that it will show up on them in the next day or so. Anyone have any experiance with that?