Crown Jewlers

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by L93065, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. L93065

    L93065 Member

    Does anyone know if their website is safe to sign up on. Seems it was compromised several weeks ago and I am concerned about applying for credit on the website.

  2. 720mstry

    720mstry Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if it was compromised a few weeks ago or not.. if it was I sure hope they took care of it, but I did notice the lock and ssl on my browser so hopefully it's all good. I applied Sat and rec'vd email this afternoon of approval....

    so if I am understanding correctly in order for them to report I need to order/purchase and then they report limits etc....

  3. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I applied for CJ in Febuary and received a confirmation email within 24 hours. I finally used it the 1st week of March, I ordered my daughter a necklace paid the downpayment by Paypal then went back later and payed the balance. It should start reporting soon, it hasn't for me yet.

    Thier stuff isn't the best so essentially it is the positive TL you are paying for.
    They do send email offers.

  4. L93065

    L93065 Member

    I read somewhere that many people had their credit card information stolen when they were applying for credit online.
  5. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    I read somewhere that Elvis was still alive.

    You might check your source and the context. I suppose it could have happened or someone set up a scam site so applier beware.

    If it's reputable company with a reputable site (that you entered directly and didn't click on a link you received in an unsolicited e-mail) you should be reasonably safe. There's go guarantee.

    Of course, there's no guarantee that the clerk in the store won't take your paper application home and start applying for credit cards either.

    You pays your money and you takes your chances.
  6. gmanfsu

    gmanfsu Well-Known Member

    Anyone with a longer than "this weekend" history with CJ? Not to hijack, but I applied and received approval on Saturday afternoon, but when I read the terms of the approval, it looks to me like they won't report a $1500 CL until you spend $1500 within a year with them and that each year, your CL is the greater of what you spent in the past year and $500.

    aandre made his first purchase and is going to report the results when they hit his CR, but since I've seen them around for a little while, wondering if anyone can confirm or deny them reporting to the CRB's with the full $1500 limit with a small initial purchase.

    Sorry, for the hijack, but I figure it's related and you'd probably want the answer to this question too before applying...
  7. woops

    woops Well-Known Member

    Try doing a search on this board for crown Jewlers, there are several threads that explain how it works. Also, it is widely believed here that sometime between November and January, their security was comprimised as some members expierenced unauthorized charges to their creedit card accounts (MC/VISA) after making a down payment or monthly payment. Crown Jewlers took the website offline to apparently make corrections. It appeared online again several days later with new updated security certificates. No one has reported any problems on this board since. Note that many people used paypal to make payments to Crown Jewlers and did not have any problems. You can also mail a payment to them.

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