Considering the price difference and extra shipping time (for CRRR), is there any reason I can't send validations with delivery confirmation? Shanyl
I don't know about any additional shipping times with CMRRR, CMRRR should go with the regular first class mail. The one benefit of CMRRR is you have the green card, which may be looked at as better evidence if this has to go to court, then from a print out from the USPS web site saying when it was supposedly received (yes, you can get the same print out for CMRRR, which I also advise because that provides you with the exact time that it was signed for as well as the date.)
Delivery confirmation does not get the serial number on your document, it only proves that "something" you mailed was received by the addressee. The proper way to use CMRRR is to get the green card and green receipt (USPS Form 3800) ahead of time. Compose your letter and then put the serial number found on the receipt on every document that you send. (Also make copies for yourself) Now when you get the green card back you have undisputable proof that the document you said you mailed to them was received by them, since you will have the number on your card and receipt, and that same number on the documents they received. Delivery confirmation won't hold up in court, properly used CMRRR will!
Thank you both Jam237 and PD11604. I took your suggestions and mailed it certified mail. I didn't request the return receipt because I can get it online at the USPS site. Was that ok to do? It's not to any CAs, just the 3 CRA's disputing inaccurate personal data (step 1). Shanyl
When you request the return receipt, you get a card actually SIGNED by them. I don't know what's on the web site. I personally always use return receipt.
Hi Hedwig! Well I thought I'd try it with the personal data change request and see what happens. I too want to see what is offered in regards to the receipt on the USPS website. I'll update you and let you know when the first one comes in. For the CAs, I'll definately use the return receipt. Thanks again! Shanyl
The online tracking just tells you the time & date that it was received, not who received it. For your protection, you really need the green card. I use both the online tracking & the green card, that way you have the exact time that the green card was signed for (from the online tracking), which allows you to be able to decide an exact instant at which they became officially served with the knowledge of whatever you sent.
This is my first post and I'm glad I found this site. I was told that the post office wont let me send a CRRR to a PO BOX . I want to send a letter to stop the phone calls. Can anyone help this NEWBIE. Thanks
They're wrong. The CMRRR is sent, and a notice is placed in their box to go to the counter and sign for the letter. I do it all the time without issues. Just pay for it like you would, or go to another Post Office.
Re: Re: CRRR or Delivery Confirmation . I was told that the post office wont let me send a CRRR to a PO BOX . Who told you this *************** GET THE BASICS HERE. ***************** >Get a PO box Send yourself a certified letter see if you get it. Or send a certified letter to a PO Box & See if you get the green card back.