For those who have argued back and forth about whether one should send disputes, validation, etc. CRRR, some of us have read caselaw and experienced personally, the defendant(CRA, OC, CA, etc) saying, in a court of law, that they have never recieved the dispute when push came to shove and money was on the line. Yes, some have experienced judges who have let the absence of CRRRs pass, however, when and if, the situation warrants suing, that $4 for postage will seem a minor expense, compared to the peace of mind and assurance that the defendant will not be able to convince the judge or jury that they never recieved the letter. There are already enough hurdles and obstacles a consumer must jump through in order to clean one's reports. Don't let $12-$30 a month become the determining factor on whether you are able to get prime rates for your house, car, credit cards, and insurance.
i agree...when i sued a cra earlier this year and won a default judgement, I still had to prove my case! The fact that I had seven crrr signed receipts put me over the top!
marc, i agree however i spent my hard earned money on a crrr to equifax only to be told "oh we get an extra 5 days cuz we are cool" see my other threads.... its a bunch of crap but nothing can be done.
how much time have you spent researching the success rate of suing a CRA for violations? What are the chances they might settle for deletions. Gosh, i spend more than $4 on unneccessary desserts at lunch and dinner all the time, and then i'm hungry 4-5 hours later. i guess you should give up, nothing can be done. . .
i am a fighter - always have been - i would fight... but for one measly tradeline im not sure its worth the fight. about a yr ago, i was assisting a woman in her assertiveness class and the first thing the instructor said to the class is "is it worth it?" while on the basic level it is, unless i get the time and desire to fight, it is not right now fixing my weight is way more important. thanks humblemarc
allen, i know you're frustrated right now and have a lot of things going on, maybe you need to take a week off from creditnet. . .but don't give up. . .of course, you have the energy and fight. . . you just need to know where to direct it.