ALREADY SUBSCRIBED Thank you for your interest! Our records show that you have already ordered this product. Please return to the MyEquifax section to access the products and services you've ordered. If you believe this to be an error, please contact our Customer Care department at <> or 1-888-532-0179, 7 days a week between the hours of 8:00 am - 12:00 Midnight Eastern Time Zone. E-MAIL------>What part of "UNLIMITED" do you not understand? "UNLIMITED" has NO limits. THANK YOU "GEORGE"
If they are going to LIMIT a product that was SOLD AS "UNLIMITED"...I would ask for a LARGE PERCENTAGE OF A REFUND...LIKE 80% OF THE PURCHASE PRICE BACK!!!
I got the same thing tonight when I tried to pull again, I got mine abut 1:00 am and I wanted to pull it again. the funny thing is that when I disputed 2 TL the other day I was able to pull another with in the same hour. I guess they are suggesting that no changes, no repull?
FINE... $19.96 $31.96 $55.96 HOW WOULD ALL THE REFUNDS AFFECT THEIR "BOTTOM LINE"??? Should I care...NO!!!
Chase said I had 8 hards on equifax. Since I had 3 before at 1 in the morning I am a little worried what has hit but of course I cannot pull all day. I emailed them and asked them if unlimited meant unlimited amount of people sueing them in a class action lawsuit. They have yet to reply.
This happened to me as well, I called CW and they said you can only pull a new report every 24 hours.
im certain they will say unlimited means you can access your report unlimited times but you will only get a new report once a day btw, does the info change in it only once a day? like do they update their systems at midnight? or is it constantly updated?
Your score can change many times per day if something drops off...or you apply for a credit card or loan...or the balance is updated...
I got an email today for both of the new request I made yesterday, and when I checked no new report was there to view. I did have new confermation numbers though? they made some stupid changes.
Last time I pulled 40 hours ago. Today I can't get it at all. The message about high volume of requests keeps to appear. Customer Service can't help. It's technical problem she says. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to veeeeeeeeeeent !!!
Can someone give me an idea what's this all about ? If CSR can't answer what exactly is blocking my file from being pulled online then who can answer ? She said only there is technical problem and that technical support will be working again on Monday !!! ??? Is that right ??? Please give me some advise or idea...I need to check my file badly...thanks...
We're sorry, we are experiencing unusually high volumes and are unable to immediately process your request. We have captured your order and our system will continue to retry processing attempts. You will be notified via e-mail when your order transaction has been completed. George, They give me that BS. It's simply not true. My wife pulled without any problem.
If you get #2 BUMPAGE the following day...I guess it will be OK... The BAD part still is that you CAN'T get "REAL TIME" changes if you apply or get an account removed...YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT DAY...