CYA Manipulation Letter (Revised)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vghost, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. vghost

    vghost Well-Known Member

    • CYA Manipulation Letter, AKA "The Guerilla Tactics"
      Copyright © 2003 dixidriftr

      • [color=0066FF]«Your Name»
        «City», «State» «Zip»

        «City», «State» «Zip»


        Re: Account Number __________________

        Dear Sir or Madam:

        I am contacting you regarding the inaccurate information contained within my EQ/EX/TU (CRA) credit files associated with the above account.

        On [insert date] I disputed the inaccurate information with the CRA and it was subsequently verified on [insert date].

        Recently I have learned that the CRA sometimes does not contact the furnisher of information when verifying a dispute, but merely verifies the information already placed on their magnetic tapes. Due to the nature and circumstances of my last dispute, I find it hard to believe that «Name of OC» has been contacted by the credit reporting agency in question.

        Obviously, these sorts of things can create difficulties for the consumer in trying to correct inaccurate information on their credit reports and also legal problems for the furnisher of information because they never get a chance to conduct their own investigation of the accuracy of the disputed information. In addition, it can falsely implicate that a furnisher of information has knowingly or negligently furnished inaccurate information to a consumer reporting agency.

        I have already suffered actual damages from the reporting of inaccurate information and am preparing to initiate litigation for violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and my State's Consumer Protection laws. However, I wish to make sure I have the responsible party before filing.

        Upon receipt of a written confirmation from your company, properly notarized, hand signed, in the form of an Affidavit so as to be valid in a court of law, that your company has no record of the CRA contacting «Name of OC»â??s offices regarding the above account during [insert date] to [insert date], I will focus my attention upon the CRA for failing to properly investigate my dispute saving your company from having to deal with a lawsuit and damages caused by the CRAâ??s negligence in handling the matter. Otherwise I shall have no choice but to add your company as a respondent to avail myself of discovery.

        (Optional paragraph) Please expedite all correspondence concerning this matter, as I am preparing to go mortgage/vehicle shopping in the next few weeks, and any adverse action taken by a lender based on the inaccurate information contained on my credit report will result in damages considerably more than what I have already suffered.

        Your cooperation in this matter will insure that the CRA fully complies with the Fair Credit Reporting Act when conducting reinvestigations of consumers disputes and possibly help reduce the number of lawsuits against your company caused by the credit reporting agencies disregard for the law.


        «Your Name»[/color]

      Dixie's Instructions: How to use the CYA Manipulation Letter

      The letter should be used where you know the CRA did not contact the furnisher of information yet somehow still verified and should be sent to the legal dept of the OC. You should be able to find out their address after calling the corporate office and asking politly.

      The clues:
      • 1. Reinvestigations that are completed in under a week.

        2. You have disputed the information directly with the OC and the account is not marked in dispute by the OC after the CRA verifies.

        3. There is obviously wrong information on the tradeline in question that gets verified.

        4. 2 out of 3 CRA's have already deleted the account, yet one CRA still keeps on verifying.

      The steps:
      • 1. Send the "Procedure Request" letter as soon as you receive the results of the investigation.

        2. Apply for a few CC's so you can get some actual damages.

        3. Send the letter 30 days after the dispute was recieved by the CRA (to give the CRA plenty of rope to hang themself with). It's critical that the CRA doesn't have time to go back and do a proper investigation before the 30 days is up. All it would take is a phone call or fax from the OC to the CRA asking what's going on or vice versa and then the set up would be all over.

      Credits: Dixie is the author of the original letter. Additional info was contributed by Butch. Approved by PsychDoc. I just had more time to put it together.

      Note to Dixie: It's your letter. If I have misquoted something, do not hesitate to correct it. Thank you for the good work! It belongs to the "Sample Letters" ...
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    ummmmm vghost,

    nevermind, edited, decided not to go there.

  3. vghost

    vghost Well-Known Member

    • C'mon, Sassy, talk to me ... :)

      Or email me, if you want to keep the thread clear ...
  4. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    It looks all good to me...
  5. mvalrie

    mvalrie Well-Known Member

    Has there been any success using this letter?

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