My daughter is a student with part time job who fell behind 1 payment the month of December. Her CC is calling her multiple times daily. I've looked at the FDCPA and find nothing about call frequency--only "harrassment" in #806. But thought I read on here last year that once a phone contact is made, they must wait 30 days before contacting you again. Is that an unwritten rule? She told them she could send $20 and they harrangued to get her to send $30 and she had only $10 left in her checking acct the rest of the month. That was about 2 weeks ago and they're calling again. Thanks.
The FDCPA applies only to 3rd-party collectors not the OC so even if you found something that was seemingly appropriate, it wouldn't apply in her case. This just sounds like a good reason to get a call-screening message recorder for her line. Not much else she can do besides not talk to them until she has some money.
Not necessarily true, OC do follow FDCPA guidelines. They are fully trained and the automated dialer systems are calibrated to follow it. I work for a major bank right now and we take yearly tests on FDCPA and you cannot work with customers until you pass various tests. As far as thirty days, no. 3, maybe 4 if the company is feeling nice. And if she pays 30 dollars and the min due was higher, yes, they are going to continue to call. Most companies do not allow "good-faith" payments. Remember, everything is run on an automated system. If the system reads that an account is behind, it's going to get called. Despite what everyone thinks, asking for the calls to stop without satisfying the terms of a contract gets you no where. Pay the minimum due and they won't call.