Daimler Chrysler...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vanili, Aug 14, 2002.

  1. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Ok...I have been helping my friend for 3 months trying to repair his credit. I pull up his report for him on TU and find out that his account has been closed for Daimler Chrylser as of July..paid charge off. Ugh!! He told me he was paying his car payments..guess not! How should I proceed with this with Chrysler?
  2. mh1757

    mh1757 Well-Known Member

    Dispute as not mine.
  3. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Hmm....so send a letter to the CBs saying that those are not his accounts? We tried this before with other 4 accounts and they were all verified. This happened this past month so wouldn't Chrysler just verify?? He still owes them money...should he just try calling/writing Chrysler and negotiating to pay them and deleting the negatives or is that not a good plan of attack?

  4. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    I too am battling Chrysler and believe me when I tell you they are not the easiest people to deal with. But my situation is also a little different because they are already paid so they could care less. I am about to go nutcase on them. I say dispute directly with Chrysler and try to get them on as many violations as possible. Send the intent to sue once your done the series of disputing and racking up violations and offer to settle the suit for deletion.
  5. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Ok..so so far this is what I am thinking of doing:

    Writing them a letter offering them to pay them the amount due on the car or make some payment plan for them to get their money. They have already charged it off. Then, asking them to send a letter stating that they will change the paid charge off to paid as agreed on the credit report. Does this sound good?
  6. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    In your first post you said it was reporting as a paid charge-off.

    Why would you offer to settle something already paid?

    Is the tradeline accurate?

  7. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Oops..I goofed..It says charge off not paid charge off.
  8. Velouria

    Velouria Well-Known Member

    I just began my dispute w/ Chrysler over a repo they listed on my credit report. I've got my fingers crossed that they will just delete it...
  9. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

  10. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if it's paid, what are you talking about.
  11. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    I had corrected my error above. It was just charged off in July. It has not been paid by the debtor yet.
  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    For almost 2 years my hubby has been trying to have 5 30 day late pays removed from an old account, nothing yet!

    Best of luck whatever you chose, but I seriously dount they will change the status, its worth a shot though
  13. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member

    Oh man that sucks! I am desperately trying to get this boy's credit fixed by the end of 2003 at the latest!!! :(
  14. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    On Sept. 2nd I sent a letter via Planetfeedback to Daimler Chrysler regarding 5 30 day lates that my boyfriend has on his credit report.

    On the 4th he received an email saying that after reviewing it, they have forwarded the letter to Chrysler Financial Company, LLC. I am hoping that they will respond with deletion by Friday.

    Oh, I also got an address and phone number that I wanted to pass along to you all:

    Chrysler Financial Company, LLC
    P.O. Box 215437
    Auburn Hills, MI 48321-5437

  15. sandie511

    sandie511 Well-Known Member

    Any updates on this?
  16. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    We haven't heard a damn thing!!

    Now's it's time for a letter to the CEO, CRRR--although, we need to check to see if possibly my boyfriend's report was upadated with no notification to us.


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