I have been testing this for over a month and it seems to be semi-successful. 1 months ago I had over 58 hard inquiries, today I have 28 hard inquiries. So it seems to be working. The procedure on how to do it, is still in beta testing. Since the method is still in beta testing, I am not going to reveal yet on how to do it, incase their is a problem. ****TRANSUION BUMPAGE BETA TESTERS**** I will be accepting e-mail for those of the Creditnet Elite club. (Doc,Dave,Lkh and those who have been here for a while and contributed) for TRANSUION BUMPAGE BETA TESTING. All you have to do is e-mail me and we will discuss your status. If I feel you are elite then I will share my procedure with you. If our beta testing is correct we will share with the board. I feel we are getting progress on beating the CRA'S and taking them down with all of tricks that this board has come up with. The CRA'S are big companies, but we have more people then them, and eventually we will win the credit war.
58 HARDS????? Are you sure? That is A TON. BTW IMHO I think that you need to do the emailing. I personally think that is distasteful for you to have people email you to ask if they are "elite" in your opinion.
I had 58 hards. The reason is, I finally got all the negatives off my credit report so I started applying like crazy for credit. Stupit me, but half have fallen off and half were from 6 months ago.
I gotcha. I have 8 and I thought that was TERRIBLE..LOL I went a bit crazy after CHOD. For some reason, everyone pulled good ol' Equifax in Jan
I'd email you, but I doubt I'm l33t enough for you. Personally, if I find something that could help everyone, I just share it...
You would not happen to be referring to the methods mentioned in these posts, would you? TU inquiry deleted Disputing inquiries
So you are an Elite club member... and how did you reach this status ? As I see you only have 63 post and are member since April 2002 ?? Btw We already discussed a method to delete TU inquires. Where had you been by that time?
What milestones have to be achieved to become elite? I admit, I'm a newbie. But only to this board. I don't mind taking my place in line and paying homage to those more experienced and tenured. However, it's kinda discouraging considering I was so excited about finding you all here and sharing information. And yes, I actually have some knowledge to share with others, even if it means answering newbie questions freeing the rest of you more aged creditnetters to discuss the more technical and lawful issues of credit repair. So please tell me, (since I'm an overachiever) what are the milestones I must reach before becoming a member of the elite credit.net squad?
A WORD OF CAUTION! For those who want to go ahead and give TU bumpage a shot based on the links above, be very careful about disputing hards for accounts YOU WERE ACTUALLY APPROVED FOR. We were stupid. We did this with EXP through Doc's Trick and all 4 of our Monogram Bank accounts were closed with a fraud notation! A coupleof phone calls managed to get them reopened, but it was embarrassing to say the least. And one of the accounts still has a dispute notation a few months later. All 4 of the hards from Monogram are back and we don't even CONSIDER disputing a hard anymore if we were approved. Now....if it was a decline....Katie bar the door!!! DemPooches
Re: A WORD OF CAUTION! That's the only inquiries I consider valid in the Fair-Isaac model anyway. I mean, if inquiries are to be a predictor of the credit you are amassing, then it should only count credit you actually gained...
Re: A WORD OF CAUTION! Oh great... I disputed all of my hards on EX using Doc's trick and three of them belong to Providian and Capital One. I sure hope they don't close them. Did I miss that somewhere in the original Doc's thread?
Re: A WORD OF CAUTION! Mike, For what it's worth, we disputed Providian and Cap1 too and they verified, but there was no other problem with either of them. So you're probably safe there. DemPooches
Re: A WORD OF CAUTION! I mean why bring it up if you're not going to share it? Test it, see if it works, then talk about it. As far as your elite comment, there are alot of people on this board, present company included, that have lofty credentials, but we certainly don't consider ourselves elite.
Re: A WORD OF CAUTION! Most memorable line from a very forgettable movie (Pure Country): "You know that white speck on top of a pile of chicken shi*? Well, that's chicken shi* too." Not sure why I think that applies here, but I think that applies here. Maybe we could call it The White Speck Club. I might sign up for that... I guess I better double check with Greg, though, before I go out on a limb.
Re: A WORD OF CAUTION! Whew! Thanks DemPooches. I was scared for a minute. I feel better now. Thanks again
Re: A WORD OF CAUTION! Quixote I like your new 'epithet'. I've read the threads... Even though I'm new, I've already had to 'justify' my existance to this 'all-knowing, all-seeing' credit expert-wannabe. He seems to hijack threads in an effort to display his credit expertise (undoubtably in a lame effort for self-promotion) and doesn't seem to really 'get it'. My questions were answered with questions or insults, and ultimately he was regurgitating questions that were answered already. My limited experience has been that G. Fisher loses more credibility every time he opens his...mouth...or would that be another orifice? "WARNING!!! Apparently, anything I have to say is considered suspect unless personally verified by Greg Fisher."