date of last payment student loan?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fishy, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. Fishy

    Fishy New Member

    Hello everyone,

    First of all I want to thank the owner of this site for a wonderful source of information regarding credit.

    Could somebody please tell me when the last payment on a student loan if no payment was ever made on the account?

    My collection account is handled by Great Lakes. I left school in Summer of 1997 and have not made a any payment. I am interested in consolidating my loans however my understanding is that all previous derogatory marks remain with the credit bureaus
    for 7 seven years.

    Great lakes shows my account with a last payment date of October 2000 but this isn't right since I left school in 1997. I have not made a payment to date.

    I really want to consolidate the loans but need them to update the last payment date to reflect the actual date. What's the best way to get GL to report the correct the payment date? What would i have to show the bureaus that GL has made an error in their reporting?

    I cannot afford the rehab payment program at this time, so the consolidation plan is best.

    Any help is appreciated.
  2. TVercetti

    TVercetti Well-Known Member

    Unpaid student loans don't have an SOL. The seven year thing doesn't apply.

    However, I have had some success disputing as not mine if they are with a third party agency. I think sometimes you can trick the CRA into thinking they are regular loans.
  3. Fishy

    Fishy New Member


    I want to refinance the defaulted loan. So if I can get it backdated past 7 years then it comes off.

    I understand that student loans have no SOL but when they are paid off then the deragatory marks come off too after 7 years.

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