Hello, Can someone clarify what the "Date of Status" on my Equifax credit report is? I have a collection that was opened in 12/1999 from a medical debt from 6/1998 and discharged in BK7 on 7/2001. In reviewing my credit report the "Date of Status" has been updated to 7/2004. I am curious if they just re-aged this account. One thing that may be important is that I disputed it with Equifax in 7/2004. I am having a hard time getting this off my credit reports. This is what is listed on my report; ------- Account Number XXXX86000050XXXX Account Type Installment Credit Limit (High Credit) Original Amount $56 Minimum Monthy Payment (Terms) 1 Month Date Opened December, 1999 Date of Status July, 2004 Last Payment Date Not on Record Loan Type Collection Department/Agency/Attorney Collateral BANKRUPTCY CHAPTER 7 ------- Thanks in advance, Jlg
In an effort to get this (post above) off my report I am looking at the next possibility. I did try for a "Pay for Delete" letter but they only would go as far to say that they would only â??updateâ? the account as â??paidâ?. Does including this in my bankruptcy constitute an admission of the debt? In any event, they are reporting this account to the credit bureaus. In my state (Oregon) they are required to be licensed in which I have found that they are not. According to the Federal Trade Commission, "Cass" opinion letter they (FTC) view that "reporting to a consumer reporting agency as a collection activity". So they way I think I see it is that they are in violation of Oregon State Law (ORS 697.015 & ORS 697.031). Any thoughts? Thanks, Jlg
Basically date of status is just a generic reference to when the account's current status was reported. For re-aging, you want to make sure that the Date of Delinquency hasn't been changed. That is what determines how long the account can remain, so that being changed, would be re-aging the account.
Also, the date opened is something else that you want to dispute. Doing this may be a little tricky. "I did not have an account with OC which was opened on 12/1999." -- You are not only still maintaining the not mine, but you are also disputing the date. Chances are the CRA will only notify the CA of one of the two disputes, not both. The true date opened was 6/1998, not 12/1999, it doesn't matter when the CA was assigned, but when the original debt was opened. A lot of CA's attempt to use the date they receive the account as the open date.