Date Open?????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sr567, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. sr567

    sr567 Member

    What does DATE OPEN mean? I just looked over my husband's experian report and noticed two tradelines that listed the dates open that differ from when we opened the accounts.All the other collection accounts have the correct date opened listed.The collection agency for both of these tradelines is Asset Acceptance. One has the date opened as 12/1/2003 when we opened it in 11/98 and the other is listed as date opened 9/1/2004 when it was opened in 7/99.Can they do this? And does it effect his score? I am asking this because I worry that it makes it look like these are more recent accounts that have defaulted.Both of these accounts are past the 3 year sol in NC. So should I try to get them removed or should I let it stay until the seven years are up?Which should be 05 and 06 if they have it listed correctly!We have learned to live with bad credit but we pay a higher car loan because of it but otherwise we are in pretty good shape because we had our mortgage before our credit went downhill.So if it is best to wait I guess we could but we really want to do some home improvements.So we would need good credit to get a loan for that.So if you can give me some advice that would help alot! And also I was told once that every person should have at least one major credit card so that they would have good credit. Is this true? I am asking because when our credit is clean my husband and I decided we never want to get credit cards again because we don't need them and just don't want them! So do you need a major card to get a good score? Thanks for the help!
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    This is known as "reaging" They use the logic that that is the date the account was opened with them

    Of course it does! It's making his scores lower.

    That's exactly why they have done it!

    This is a big advantage for you!

    Dispute with CRA first as "Not Mine"
    Then as "Inaccurate"

    Yes, you need 1 or 2 major CC's - All current with a long payment history with no lates to have a good score

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