DaveLV = Homeowner

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Aug 26, 2002.

  1. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    Congratulations DAVE! That is wonderful! Keep that moving truck for us too. Our final walk through is on the 25th of this month! Take care!
  2. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    WAY TO GO DAVE!!! :)

  3. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I wasn't quite awake yet this morning, Doc, but that did it. :)

    Thanks to all of you who posted on this thread for your kind words.
  4. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member


    As a Realtor, the happiest part of my job is handing over the keys to the smiling faces and waiting hands of a new homeowner. It always gives me goosebumps, so I can just imagine how you feel!

    Party at Dave's House next week!!!

    I'll bring the chips!!
  5. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    Been a long time. Congrats on your new home!!!

    Don't forget to paint before the furniture arrives.

  6. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Big time Congrats Dave!

    I hope to be joining you soon. We're supposed to hear back on our final loan approval tomorrow morning. Holding my breath....
  7. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Congratulations DAVE!
  8. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    CONGRATS DaveLV, it feels good doesn't it:)

    Hey Manny I am still waiting for my paint job?? What gives??LOL

    Quixote, best of luck to you, I am sure all will go well:)
  9. chargedoff

    chargedoff Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Dave!

    Enjoy the new home... and the networking!
  10. Goaldriven

    Goaldriven Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to chime in. You are my hero and I want to be JUST like you when I grow up: a homeowner. Save all those receipts for your repairs (cant you use all that stuff on your taxes now?).

    I just love hearing about everyone success!!!!!

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