Dazed & Confused

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by prpledrms, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

  2. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

  3. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    If you are past SOL, send them the SOL letter from my website.

    This will stop them, prevent them from verifying the account on your report, and prevent them from reselling the account to anther bottom feeder.
  4. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    My only question about the SOL is because it was incurred in NM and my last payment was 5-2000 than I went to Illinois for boot camp (3-2000), 6 months for more training in Pensacola and than ended up in California (Oct 2000). I have not been able to find out information on whether or not the clock has been stopped and does the SOL apply for Cali or NM.
  5. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    NM and Ca. both have a 4 year SOL, they had plenty of time since you moved to Ca. 10/2000 to file.

    Send the SOL letter your accrual date was 05/2000, since Ca. is a last item State.
  6. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    Thanks...so dont send a VL and just an SOL? What happends if I already told him that I know I ower the debt. Sorry for being all the questions...just getting my ducks in a row...thanks!
  7. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    Are you expected to always be right
  9. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    So send him the SOL anyways?? Also, isn't recording me without telling me against the law as well??
  10. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

  11. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    hello, anyone?
  12. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    So I mailed off my validation letter so we'll see....
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    : Dazed & Confused

  14. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    : Dazed & Confused

    mailed it on the 28th and still hasnt' gotten there...still waiting....although two letters to the cra (different subject) have been received....what happends if my validation letter to the ca got "lost'?
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: : Dazed & Confused

    Mail it again -this time by CRRR and Reg.Mail.
  16. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    : Dazed & Confused

    SOL is where you currently live. ALWAYS SEND CMRR..They can claim they never got it if you do not. Too much information in the request for validation letter..
  17. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Re: : Dazed & Confused

    I have had dealings with these guys and they never respond.. They are in MN. However you can bet they have an inquiry in your CRA account. How do you think they found you?? I'd wait for validation within 30 days when they don't hit with suit failure to validate and inquiry for no permissiable purpose. violation of the FCRA(inquiry) and the DCPA(failure to Validate)small claims at least 2K and if out of SOL they cannot provide support of the debt. Not that it matters as their violation of the law is what in question in Court not your debt.
    I'd nail em..
  18. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    The only way you can re-open the SOL and the debt is to Pay ALL the deliquent $$$ to the creditor if he will accept them,, in other words you must catch-up all back monies due and bring the account current. Verbal promises to CA's mean nothing. SOL begins 30 days after your first deliquency/late.
  19. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    Your letter is o.k. but you do not know what validation is, sorry..Why would you give them all that info.. they are accusing you THEY must prove not you..and the things you ask for are not validation...
    And do you really think they care about FCRA DCPA and the law,, these guys break the law knowingly or unknowningly everyday. Do you think they have some kind of formal training in this stuff??
    Chances are the people reading that request for validation won't know or care what you are requesting. Other then to think oh boy we got her//him going now.
    You can send the SOL letter but will that get them out of your report?/life Don't bet they will not sell to some other company..and then you can start doing this all over again in 3, 4, 5, 6 months with some other CA. Just because you send THEM an SOL letter do you really think the next CA down the road will care what you sent their competition..They are in business to collect debts do you really think the next one will care what you sent to some other company. You need to learn to stop them cold..and protect yourself from future preditors..
  20. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dazed & Confused

    Okay thanks for your help but please expand. I got that vl off of another site. So if they dont respond to my vl which I sent cmrr and they got today than I can counter sue and my sol is up...It was up May 5 of this year in which they started contacting me in June. So do I still send the SOL letter anyways??

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