Dealing With a CA (Rental Car)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by adent, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. adent

    adent New Member

    I've been reading here regularly (mostly credit scores, reports, etc.), but this is my first time posting.

    I'm currently busy researching resources, etc., but will appreciate some advice on how to proceed. Brief summary (all this is happening in AZ):

    1. I rent a car from Budget. I waive off all insurance as supposdely my MasterCard protects me.

    2. I'm involved in a 3-car collision. My car is damaged in the front (major damage) and the back (where I'm hit by a 3rd party, not that severe damage). The car is totaled.

    3. MasterCard refuses to pay about $4000 in fees (small amount) and "diminished value", which is about $3500.

    4. I talk on the phone with Budget representative, who offers a settlement of about 50% (i.e. about $2000). I don't mind, but at this time I haven't heard from Allstate, which also has to pay. We agree to wait until Allstate pays.

    Please note that I have NOT submitted a claim with Allstate, Budget did.

    5. MasterCard sends me a check which I send to Budget. There is about $4000 outstanding.

    6. At about the same time I hold a 3-party phone conference with Budget and Allstate. Allstate has agreed to pay about $3500, but it is unclear how the money will be distributed (i.e. some should go to MasterCard, and some to Budget to cover whatever MC refused). We conclude the phone call with the agreement that Budget will call me once they have worked out the details with Allstate.

    That was about 4 months ago. I haven't received a single phone call, or letter from Budget and thought that Allstate has covered all outstanding amounts.

    Then last week I get a phone call at home from United Collections (I believe, I was still sleepy) that Budget has transfered $4000 debt to them. I'm in shock as I was prepared to settle with Budget but they did not contact me!

    Here is what I'm going to do in the near future, but this is my first time dealing with a CA and will appreciate any advice!

    - wait for a letter from the CA
    - immediately send them a debt validation letter
    - call Budget (but my understanding is that once they've sold the debt, they won't talk to me?)
    - call Allstate and if necessary, file a new claim. They haven't paid ME anything, apparently they paid most of the amount to MC, and maybe something to Budget.

    What else? Should I offer to settle with the CA for about the same amount I had agreed to settle with Budget?

    I'm really mystified why Budget will not call or write and instead send it to a CA. Incompetence?
  2. Always

    Always Well-Known Member

    Do you have a log/record of the dates and individuals you spoke to at Budget?
  3. adent

    adent New Member


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