Dealing with collections/Law office

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bfleming98, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. bfleming98

    bfleming98 Active Member

    I have a debt from a bank that was bought by another bank. So it's not reporting on my credit under the orignal banks name.

    now, on this account I have not paid a dime on it for 2 years. The other day I get a letter from a local collections/law office saying to pay them the money.

    I called them (mistake) and asked them to validate the debt. They do know that I had the loan with the other bank.

    I'm guessing that they don't have any of the paperwork that has my signature.....

    So, am I correct in thinking that they must be able to provide some sort of document with my signature to collect any money (if they do take me to court and try for a money judgement)

    Obvoiusly right now the only the will send is a computer print out.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Did you send the VL ?
  3. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    Re: Dealing with collections/Law of

    Good point. It is very important that you document your request for validation IN WRITING. Start that all important paper trail, just in case this does see the inside of a court room.
  4. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dealing with collections/Law of

    Put it in writing...

    Calling them doesn't require them to provide validation, writing them does.
  5. bfleming98

    bfleming98 Active Member

    Yes, I plan on sending them back a letter basically saying:

    You need to provide something with my signature to prove I have a written contract and obligation to pay this debt.

    Understand that I know I can get this off my credit from them pretty easily. My main question is if they take me to court for a money judgement, will they need to show something with my sig to get awarded the judgement or is a computer print out good enough....

    Also, if this bank can't provide a written signature, could the debt be dismissed altogether??

    Know of any good posts that point me in the right direction???

    - Bryan
  6. Chloe Oliv

    Chloe Oliv New Member

    I am dealing with basically the same situation.

    I was enlisted for 4 years in the Navy and then reenlisted for another 6. They gave me a reenlistment *bonus*; 1/2 upfront and the other 1/2 to be divided up and paid each year on the anniversary date. I only was able to serve 2 of those additional six years before I was involuntarily discharged. (boo hoo)
    Now they are trying to recoup their $. They (Defense Accounting) sent me a notice a few months ago (along with an itemized bill of how the amount was calculated). It has now gone to a collections/law office in Texas.

    A validation letter is being sent today requesting documentation with my signature agreeing to pay them. I know for a fact that no such paper exists. I have check all of my re-enlistment papers and also ordered an official copy of my military record... and nothing says that if I don't complete the 6 years that I will pay them back.

    But, I hope that this is enough to get around paying. Is it??
  7. Chloe Oliv

    Chloe Oliv New Member

    I am dealing with basically the same situation.

    I was enlisted for 4 years in the Navy and then reenlisted for another 6. They gave me a reenlistment *bonus*; 1/2 upfront and the other 1/2 to be divided up and paid each year on the anniversary date. I only was able to serve 2 of those additional six years before I was involuntarily discharged. (boo hoo)
    Now they are trying to recoup their $. They (Defense Accounting) sent me a notice a few months ago (along with an itemized bill of how the amount was calculated). It has now gone to a collections/law office in Texas.

    A validation letter is being sent today requesting documentation with my signature agreeing to pay them. I know for a fact that no such paper exists. I have checked all of my re-enlistment papers and also ordered an official copy of my military record... and nothing says that if I don't complete the 6 years that I will pay them back.

    But, I hope that this is enough to get around paying. Is it??
  8. rachels_la

    rachels_la New Member

  9. rachels_la

    rachels_la New Member

    Itemized Bill = Validation??


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