Debt collector calling every 30 minutes, not leaving a return number?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by baba, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. baba

    baba Member

    I had a repo that was finally sold and then I paid on for about a year or so and then stopped hearing from the original company I was paying. Never received actual statements or balance due. Several months later I start getting calls from a new debt collector saying I only owe a portion of the amount due if I'll pay it all now. But they are giving me no payment option and being very demanding. I asked if I could get a statement of what was owed and why and how much I paid for that year or so since I never received any statements. They once tried to email me some information but it was rejected since it had an unkown attachment. I've received nothing in the mail from them.

    But now they are calling me and even my parents every 30 minutes or so leaving no call back number. So I check my phone when I get home and it's the same message over and over but no return number. What gives? And why would they be bothering my parents (I haven't lived there in 15 years) and the collector tells them nothing when they answer?

    Why do I keep getting different amounts owed yet none of these places will tell me what has been paid, what interest, etc? Do I have any legal recourse since I've tried to pay and now seem to be getting jerked around?

    They are saying I still owe $6,000 or so and I'm in Kansas.
  2. cajun1969

    cajun1969 Well-Known Member

    The first thing I would do is get a debt validation letter put together and mail it out certified return receipt.Next I would order my hard copy credit reports from each bureau. Once you receive these reports,go over them and see if they are reporting incorrectly.They have already violated Fdcpa multiple times so it is time to start documenting violations of Fdcpa & Fcra.

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