Debt not on Credit report. Past SOL

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by my3apsons, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. my3apsons

    my3apsons New Member

    A week ago, I pulled our credit report, to see what was on there. I noticed a pull from Asset LLC but didn't know who they were. Today, I recieved a bill in the mail from them, stating that they bought our Service merchandise charge off and we owe them $2600. That I have 30 days to ask for validation. Ect Ect.

    1) This debt is so old that it fell off my husbands credit a few years ago.

    2) are they allowed to do a hard pull, even with the debt being out of sol and them just buying it.

    3) do I send out for validation.


    On on a new journey.
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    If you are certain that it is time-barred, you should send a time-barred C&D letter. If there is any doubt as to when it would have hit the SOL, then you want to be careful, but when you are certain the account is time-barred, then it should be safe to C&D.

    For a good time-barred C&D, click the link in my signature, and go to WhyChat's site, look up the SOL section reference, and plug it in.

    Yes, they can pull hard from the second they are assigned, or purchase your account, until the second that the account is closed. Think of it this way, if the account is outside of the reporting SOL, this is the only way that they can legally 'damage' your credit rating; and if the account is inside of the reporting SOL, they can get a few extra bonus points of damage by pulling a hard report, just to make you even more determined to pay them just to get rid of them. Luckily, you are smart enough to know that there are cheaper ways to get rid of them.

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