Debt Validation questions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by harper712, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. harper712

    harper712 Member

    What if I already paid most of my collection accounts? Does this ruin my case?

    I sent out DV letters hoping that the ones I've paid will just roll over and delete the accounts since they can no longer get money from me anyway.

    I sent letters for 13 accounts between me and spouse, and 10 of them are already paid. edit: most of the accounts were TINY, and all less than $150. They are all CA's and I paid the paid ones through CA's.

    And yes, the accounts are ours, though some were innacurate and we are already working on that, too.

    Does anyone know what I can do about judgments? I have two, just under $600 from 2001 and 2002.

    If you need more info please ask. Thanks!!
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    DV's won't get the TLs removed from your credit reports unless the CA specifically removes it. If it is paid, the CA does not even have to respond, since they are no longer collecting.

    You can, however, dispute the reporting with the CA under FACTA.

    Disputes thru the CRAs should get it removed if the CA fails to respond and verify.
  3. harper712

    harper712 Member

    Thank you for the reply.

    Are you saying that I should dispute those with the CRA as 'paid' or not mine? Sorry, would you mind being more specific?

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