On the CBR it should show as sold or transferred. If there is no clear indication, contact the creditor and find out if they sold it and to who, or if it's assigned.
A zero balance by the original creditor is a dead give away to. Moreover, a debt purchaser will usually report the balance inflated, the date of last activity incomplete, and the account status as 120 days past due. They'll probably report it as an open account to.
can they legally report 120 days past due? i'm having a hard time fighting that, maybe because they can?
The question would be "Can ANYONE LEGALLY report an account which had previously been CLOSED/CHARGED-OFF as being 120 DAYS PAST DUE?" They can't... Once CLOSED, no magic wand can be waved to roll back 2 months, un-close and un-charge-off the debt. Their argument is that while the original debt was CLOSED and CHARGED-OFF, the account with them isn't CLOSED and CHARGED-OFF. BUT, their logic has a flaw in it. If that was truly what they were attempting to report, then their first report would have a NEVER LATE notation, and go from there. Why 120 and not 150 or 180? Most people have discovered that 120 days seems to have more of an adverse effect on your credit scores than the 150/180/CO notations. *THAT* is their goal. Do the most damage to your credit report to extort payment so that they can do even more damage to your credit report.
thanks for that explanation. that's what i thought. now, how does one get them to report correctly? i've disputed and dv'd without success. i guess a complaint to ftc and ag? another thing about reporting the lates - i have noticed on my reports that they don't show under payment history. maybe one way to dispute is ask for that to be reported?