Ok fellow credit netters the month of December is upon us. Ah, the Xmas season. Is this the best month to dispute due the the numorous applications for xmas, employee vacations at the bureaus and other companies thus making them short staffed? Is this true or just a myth? Lets put it to the test!!! What do you think?
Check ALL the posts on CHOD and make up your own mind. I think that it is overrated, but I'm hoping for miracles. If not January will be my LO (Lawsuit Onslaught). Charlie
You know, if the CRA's found themselves swamped with a case load that they can't handle, they could go to either Florida's or New Jersey's Supreme Courts. Those mind numb, liberal, lefty wacko's in black robe's will throw out the 30 day rule and give them all the time they need.