Here's an idea for those of you who are too deep in debt. Link: Some chick named Karyn... uh-oh... somebody out there is thinking, "I can't believe Doc said 'some chick' -- how crude." Well, to tell the truth, this woman named Karyn calls herself "some chick," so I've just adopted her own terminology here. Anyway, some chick named Karyn started out 7 weeks ago with $22,100 in credit card debt. Basically she said she bought too many Prada purses and Cappuccinos, etc. She put up a website and begged for money. As of today she's down to $14,100. At this rate, she's going to wipe out her debt pretty quickly, I think. Again, that link is: For the record, I am not related to Karyn, nor do I know her, nor am I really advocating this as a practical way to erase debt. On the other hand, it is quite amusing, so I thought I'd post it here. Doc
lol@Doc. You never fail to put a smile on my face. I always say "that chick" since I'm a chick, I think it's okay. hehehe Well, I hope she understands that you can wipe out debt, but only good money management will raise that score. That means less prada and cappuccinos! I do like her website, and it provided me with tons of laughs. How did you find it? Can someone point Karyn over to CN to learn how the credit "game" is really played?
Doc the girls has guts, I took a second job and hope that in three years I can have a net worth of zero. It would be a $40,000 step up. I must have been sleeping in economics class. Perhaps if I just had something to sell on e-bay and a charming personality I would already be back to even. Maybe I'll send her a couple of dollars, everyone deserves a chance to benefit from their mistakes.
Doc, I just went through her whole site and for some strange reason I have the biggest smile on my face. Hell I like this girl's idea and I wish her the best of luck. One I am out of debt, I might send her some money. But I have one question; Where the hell do you find these things?
HMMMMMMM! And I only need $6,500 to pay off a judgment! Now, I don't have any shoes or purses, but my old combat boots ------- well, maybe I'm onto something here! LOL!
Re: DEEP in debt? Visit SaveKaryn. LOL, well, I saw people arguing about Karyn on the Motley Fool discussion board. A few people hate her over there. (Now, is that a surprise? I simply knew that if they hated her that we over here would practically adopt her. Sometimes I think that board is the anti-Creditnet, lol.) What was interesting is that they were arguing about her (check out a couple of threads from the past day or two there), but nobody had the guts to post her URL there. So I hunted on Google for keywords "Karyn" and "debt" and bang, there it was. So... the good Creditnet citizen that I am, I posted a new thread over there with Karyn's URL. Maybe Karyn will join Lizardking in the grand pantheon of people those folks loathe. Anyway, I sent Karyn a dollar via PayPal, and I don't suffer beggars too well, so that was a big moment for me, lol. Doc
Re: DEEP in debt? Visit SaveKaryn. Why do you think I have my site? This way I can pay off my debts and the person helping me can get something in return. Its not highpriced stuff nor is it me begging for money. Its not cause I overspend cause well shit yeah I do. LOL. But that was a long time ago almost 6 months. So if you want something just go over and look. Email me at this link and I will even though a discount your way. But my site isn't as funny. *
Re: DEEP in debt? Visit SaveKaryn. Kind of reminds me of the guy on the corner in the city I used to live. And the sign said: WHY LIE? NEED BEER!
Re: DEEP in debt? Visit SaveKaryn. I think that Karyn would be great read in some of the magazines she loves. Could you just see this in Cosmo? They have a dating diary...why not a diary of a girl in the big city trying to pay down some debt? She could make money from the magazines she loves to read.
Re: DEEP in debt? Visit SaveKaryn. From her site: Some of her site is funny, but I'm just too damn cynical, I suppose; while reading it, I can't shake the feeling that giving her money is equivalent to feeding wild animals: you aren't doing anyone a favor. I worked my own way out of trouble, so did most of the people on this site, and I grew as a person because of it. I'm not so sure she will end up growing -- what she's doing seems too easy -- and she could end up depending on income from that site, like some of those webcam girls. I have nothing against her, in fact, I hope things work out for her, but I just don't trust easy money. *shrug*
I think I want to create my own site. Except that I will work for my money. Here's what I'm thinking: Ask a computer question Relationship Help All about your car questions General questions For 25 cents or a $1.00 i'll answer questions. If I can't answer it for you, you don't pay. Hey at least I'll be honest and earn my money and I will accept no more than $1.00 for my service and it will be a service. Time to fire up the HTML editor.....
By the way, if I did do this (contemplation), all money received would be used to pay off my debt as well as other peoples. I figure it this way, if I can get out of debt then so can you. So, after careful thought......once I'm out of debt, the site continues but another person get's to work off their money.... what do you guys think? It's a marketable concept except that I'm a guy and I have no breasts. If I was a woman, I could probably do what Karyn is doing for free.. but nobody's gonna give me a $1.00 for nothing unless I work for it.
Apparently there are some concerns that Karyn is a "real" woman. On the the site, someone posted a link to another site for a "karyn" who is a transexual, plus some corroborating evidence that she is linked to the site. True or not, it's garbage like this that makes me not want to send money to strangers, even a buck or two.
ohmigosh...I actually went on to and almost laughed as hard as I did on her website... There is definitely some humor on the internet.