DEEP in debt? Visit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Her site seems vaguely familiar, like i seen it quite some time ago.
  2. GM2

    GM2 New Member

  3. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Could I be the second person to use the site if I donate bright fushia pasties to your cause?

    You don't need breasts as long as you can shake and shimmey, LOL.

    It's a great idea, just like the church story banishing debt from the congregation, one family at a time and one helped family helping the next family needing help.

    We are our brother's keepers and random acts of kindness are contagious and have a way of returning to you when you're in need.

  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I love the dontsavekaren website. Oh my gosh, I haven't laughed that hard in weeks.

  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: DEEP in debt? Visit SaveKaryn. may actually be funnier than the original, lol. :D What the hell. I gave them a dollar too. (I've lost my mind.)

  6. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member


    I'm ready to find a few Karyns', Donnas', Carmens', and Tinas', get some web space, and watch the cash roll in while I waste away on a beach somewhere in the Cayman Islands.

  7. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member

  8. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    LOL that is funny

    I didnt send any money but I sure did sign up for her "pass the buck"....

    maybe I can get my $57,000 student loan paid before I die lol
  9. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member

    Hmmm. Student loan vs. Prada bags. It's all in the marketing I think...
  10. Mary1NYS

    Mary1NYS Active Member

    haha..I saw something on a TV show about her a while back. They interviewed her and asked her to speak about the criticism she had recd. It was NightLine or DateLine or something like that. So she has become somewhat of a celebrity.
  11. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

  12. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member

    Funny and sad. lol!

    Did anyone see the eBay listing where a guy would tattoo your company's slogan on his shaved head and leave it (not covered up) for a year. I think it sold for $15,000 or something? He was willing to do personal appearances, etc...
  13. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok You've all though about doing something like what Karyn is doing....admit it!!!! Hell I have. DH knows how to make websites HE's thought about it.

    Remember that church in VA I think it was, everyone thought THAT was ok, so I think Karyn is A-OK.....

    I'm NOT preaching, and generally the posts seem to be supportive of her just board really....perhaps thinking outloud.....

  14. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member

    I didn't hear about the church in VA. Do tell!

    I think these begging websites are great, really. Karyn is the queen, I love Princess Natalie's attitude and I love it that Amy not only wants $50K, but a boyfriend too.

    I don't know why people get upset -- they don't *have* to send a dollar. I mean, it's not any more stupid than the pet rock (million dollar) idea.

    At least these begging websites don't go on their credit reports for 7 years like bankruptcy!
  15. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    is wanting to kick Karyn in the face bad?
  16. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    money honey,
    someone posted a link or an article I wanna say about 3 or 4 months ago about a church I think in VA that either weekly or monthly pays of parishoners CC debt. We are talking about TENS ofTHOUSANDS of dollars. Do a search on here it was quite a read.

    Ok decided I can't afford a "" website, but I can afford my AOL Hometown page. I have set up my paypal account and I am off to tally my CC debt, here's my question should I add in my vehicle as debt??

    So my new email addy is

    People, I'm serious, call me crazy but my savings account is slowly dwindling to nothing and opportunity (mainly jobs we;ve applied for) are NOT knocking on our door.
  17. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    the movie on the don't save karyn website is very funny.
  18. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: DEEP in debt? Visit SaveKaryn.

    I don't know. Is that your usual response to women who do things you find reprehensible?

  19. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member


    Ha! Well see, since you've given me great advice (that let's face it, has saved me more than a dollar) I will send you a dollar. See how that works? lol! I love this country.

    Now I just go to PayPal?
  20. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    Doc, no.
    so I guess Im ok :)

    Its real annoying though. There are people in the world who really need help..and I can't believe people have actually given this lady money.

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