Default judgements...HELP!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by AMYB128, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. AMYB128

    AMYB128 Member

    I need some help here ...

    I was served 2 summonses, one in September, 1 in October, and I never answered them,,,,I know stupid. I DO oew the money though. If I had the money to pay them I would. So now, I am assuming they have default judgements against me. What happen now, from them??
    Will they garnish my wages? I only work 28 days a year right now making $2800, can they take that? I live in NY, and garnishment is only 10%. But I make less thatn minimum wage.
    Will they take money from bank account? Will they find it? I just changed bank accounts in August. Any money that goes into there is my husbands, and we live week to week off of that!
    Will they take house, my name is on the lien, but I do not intend to sell or refinance,
    Will they take our cars? We have a 95 nissan with 250,000 miles on it, but own it free and clear, and also a 97 grand caravan with 140,000 mile on it, and only have 1 more year of payments?
    Will they come after my husband? The Judgement in in my name only. We live off of what he makes, so he is head of house hold.

    I am scared....should I file for Bankruptcy?



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