Deletion a Little Before the 7

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kyla, Jan 15, 2001.

  1. kyla

    kyla Active Member

    Hi Board,

    I'm sorry I don't post much, but I am addicted to this board. I look at it everyday and it has been very beneficial for my husband and me. So "bravo" to all who spend precious time helping others.

    Now here's my question. I can't remember where, but I recall someone saying that sometimes cras will delete negative information if it is close to the seven year mark.
    I know this to be true with Trans Union. I asked for a deletion of a derogatory item that was 6 years and 11 months, but I was wondering if anyone has been successful with getting any deletions at say 6 years and 6 months.

    I'm asking because 95% of my bad credit is due to fall off on 2/02 and it's killing me to get this stuff off.

    Thank you for all replies!!

  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: Deletion a Little Before t

    I've got deletions on stuff only 4 years old :) YMMV, if it verifies, it probably won't come off. However some places have a hard time keeping that many years worth of data. Keep working on it!
  3. kyla

    kyla Active Member

    RE: Deletion a Little Before t

    I have already tried disputing most of the junk that's already on there. I'm talking about early deletion of the really hard to come off stuff like CHARGEOFFS. I hear that sometimes the cras don't mind deleting the stuff just because it clogs up their internal system. I just want some opinions about when would be a good time to start asking for deletions of really old debts before the 7 year period.

    Thank You,

  4. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member

    RE: Deletion a Little Before t

    Equifax and Experian delete 3 months before due

    Trans Union - 1 month
  5. Charles

    Charles Guest

    RE: Deletion a Little Before t

    ok how do you go by trying to get information off. I would like to know.
  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Kyla: Deletion a Little Before

    the reason it is easy to get the items off a little early is

    #1- the bureaus are lazy when it so close to deletion and you may run into a nice agent

    #2 - the new fcra allows deletion of items based on 6 months prior to the charge off date which is the first date of delinquency in most cases. They would rather delete the thing sometimes because you could use that rule.

    (I had made the statement about deletions early many times. You could have been talking about me. YOu could not have been. I am not trying to take credit for anything. I am only stating what I have read. I plan to use the method with my Discover account soon.)

  7. kyla

    kyla Active Member

    RE: Deletion a Little Before t

    Thanks Kelly,

    That's just what I was looking for. Something concrete as to when I should try asking for deletion without looking like a fool. :)

  8. kyla

    kyla Active Member

    RE: Kyla: Deletion a Little Be

    Thanks Roni,

    Your post is very helpful as well. But just so that I understand you correctly, are you suggesting that it is a good chance to get deletion 6 months before the 7 year period?
    Please elaborate.

  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Kyla: Deletion a Little Be

    that is what I am saying. the last activity date may be 6.5 years away. But you could say to the credit bureau that the date it became delinquent was 7 years already. If I were you I would just dispute the item at 6 months as obsolete and state that reason. I doubt the creditor would verify now. anyway.


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