Deletion after settlement payment

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tsp2017, Jul 15, 2002.

  1. tsp2017

    tsp2017 Member

    Can you get an item deleted after you pay the settlement? I failed to request the deletion. I didn't know about it until I came here.

    Thank you,
  2. tinaboo

    tinaboo Well-Known Member

    I did the same thing. So what I did was dispute it with the CRA as not mine. They could not verify, so they deleted.....
  3. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

    try a dispute with the CRA. It may fall off since it is paid.
  4. tsp2017

    tsp2017 Member

    What do you say to the CRA if you paid a debt off but it's still on your report as a negative?
  5. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

    A paid off debt is negative. It is still a collection, or settled amount. Try and dispute as "not yours" or "not a collection account" depends on how you delt with acount prior to this point

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