delinquency / credit repair

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kendorey, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. kendorey

    kendorey Member

    I have an issue regarding a delinquent account which I initially thought was ID theft. In 2001 I was in Utah and had an apartment, and all of my utilities in my name, but the bills were being paid directly from my company in Florida. I then returned to Florida (long before the date of the delinquency) and another company employee went to take over in Utah, living in the apartment I had set up, using all the utilities. I now have a delinquency for $99 from Comcast Cable. I suspect when the other employee left Utah, and we discontinued renting the apartment and closed all of the utilities accounts, one bill may have been overlooked, most likely delivered after the company employee left Utah. How do I settle this issue, and have the delinquency removed from my credit report? It is only for $99 but the information is quite damaging to my credit score. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

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