Denied by MBNA... :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Mar 13, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    They denied me because I only have 3 open accounts reporting. They say they need to see MORE history. I said "so even though I have a 752 score with NOTHING negative and credit history dating to '93 that counts for zilch". He said "Yes M'am you must be able to prove you can handle the credit". I was still confused and just kept asking him to explain HOW this made sense. I told him I got approved for B of A $8800 Platinum, he said "give that 3 months and we can approve you, if we were able to approve you now based on your score you qualify for the Platinum card you applied for at a $12K credit limit".

    This BITES!!! I've gone through all this year trying to repair credit and lawsuits and can't get approved for SHIT because I don't have enough open credit, mine is closed/paid as agreed.

    I'll be 5 more years trying to get some credit. Now I don't even wanna apply for Citibank or Target.
  2. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    I understand how you feel,but don't let it get to you;I'm certain that offers will come because SOMEBODY will be happy to consider your current profile.

    Hang in there kid...Rome wasn't built overnight(LOL).

    Sister Girl
  3. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Three months isn't that long. How long have you been fighting this so far....

    MBNA has a lot to offer, and once you get in the door, you can do a lot of stuff with them. Their cards have no cash limits, you can use them right to the CL for BT's and cash advances in a pinch. They also have some cool loan products.

    Have you tried the MBNA consumer loans? A lot of people have had success doing a BDD with their consumer loans. Open the loan, then transfer to a platinum or quantum card. Works like a charm.
  4. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Christi, once they start reporting and you use the credit and pay it off, the offers will flow like water.

    Jack up your cards with big ticket purchases, return the stuff and it will show you had a high balance, paid it down, thus showing you HAVE handled it.

    They will flow like
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    thanks all :) i think my time has come to quit stressing over this shit.... i just found out Old Navy of all people denied me "length of accounts established too new"

    i give for's time to quit and live with what i have, i've been using cash for a LONG time and dont need the credit now
  6. lifetime

    lifetime Well-Known Member

    Have you tried pfb. I was denied, I used pfb. A rep called me a week or 2 later. I had to send a pay stub and I was approved.
  7. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Hey Girl

    THIS is the same thing that happened to me. I fianlly got tired of trying to apply. It did nothing but add up extra inquires, lower my score, and I got NO PLACE!!!

    I've just kept the accounts that I have and try to use them and pay them off as much as possible to pull up my score. I'm going to wait untill all of them are atleast 2 years old b/f doing that crap again!
  8. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    The rep WAS from planetfeedback in the executive office. He was full of SHIT. I don't even care anymore, I've accomplished so much more than I had a year or even a month ago.

    I'm giving up.... I'm NOT applying for anything except maybe Target store card tomorrow, when the duplicates are removed from Equifax report.

    Otherwise, I'll dispute these inquiries over the next 6 months, work on building strong credit history with Bank of America, State Farm Visa and Generations Bank. Then I'll see what to do from there.
  9. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    maybe you should try the apple loan BDD method..

    dont give up
  10. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I got approved for that $3500 back when Ron posted about it. I tried to switch it to a card and they told me NO. My credit score was a mid 500 with Experian at that time and 514 with TU. Today they are (see below) and now I don't qualify for anything.

    I closed to Apple LOC because I had no use for an apple computer. I even asked him about being approved for it and he said he didn't see how because my credit wasn't worthy at the time and my credit history was too short at that time as well.

    It makes NO sense to me.
  11. lifetime

    lifetime Well-Known Member

    I have MBNA but I would give it up to have bofa , state farm and generations.
  12. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    I have a 15k mbna platinum, 25k mbna loc, 15k mbna ethan allen line, but BOFA won't offer me anything other than a secured card. Go figure.
  13. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    I have MBNA, BofA, State FarmBank card. I liked MBNA, Bof A customer services and they are nice and helpful. MBNA raise my credit limit for my accounts for every six months and BofA will raise my limit every year without pulling credit report. State Farm Bank is too new to rate.

  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  15. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Ron, how long have you been collecting cards? Charlie
  16. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    since 85.

  17. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    MBNA-- raise my credit limit,lower APR for my Barnes&Nobles Plat. Plus from 13.99% to 10.99% and convert Quantum into Quantum Select Rewards Card. Good Customer Service and check balance and pay bills on-line

    BofA --lower my APR to 9.9% fixed for purchases and raise credit limit every year. Check balance and pay bills on-line. Good Customer Service.

    State Farm Bank-- Too new to rate. No on-line bill pay.

  18. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    Ron, I converted my mbna to a quantum and noticed that they just delete the old account from the credit reports and put on the new one with the old history. Did you notice the same thing?

    This is good of course, no clutter on the reports.
  19. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    christi: the problem you had was that you didn't convert to gold reserve then convert to mastercard/visa.

    They don't "approve" the BDD at any time, there is no inquiries or decisions.

    You should see if they will re-open your apple loan and then convert it.
  20. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    They did to me several times when upgrading my account and they didn't report your old account was closed to CRA. They just report your new account number to CRA and they keep all old account history. They told you to cut your old card in half and your old card is still good until expire date. I never used my old card and I used the new one instead.


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