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Denied due to no balances?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mitchra, Sep 30, 2002.

  1. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Applied for citi illumina online. Received denial letter today. Reason "Your credit bureau report shows you have no revolving accounts with a balance"

    Isn't this a good thing?

    How much of a balance do they want? I could always go out and charge something...lol.

    Does anyone have a number for Citi that I could call and ask them to reconsider, or is this a valid reason?
  2. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    Well ... have you ever had a balance?
  3. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, over 4600 on my CAP1. I just paid it off 2 months ago and closed the account, because I hate Cap1.

    The cap1 account does not show closed yet, if it ever even will according to the active Cap1 thread.

    I had another card that has been paid off for six months or so, high balance around $200.

    One other 0 balance revolving account with high balance of 1200 - closed by consumer 5 or 6 months ago.

    All paid on time never late.
  4. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    I would definitely call them. The reason they give doesn't make any sense. Call them, be calm, pleasant, and tell them that their reason doesn't make any sense. If you've had balances, you obviously have a credit history.
  5. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    Oh, and by the way, having no balance is a good thing. Don't think otherwise.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    If you have a few cards and pay them in full every month and the card "PUSHES" BT'S...they MIGHT have a good reason...(you have NOTHING to BT)...
  7. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    lol, yes I thought it was a good thing. Anyone have a number to call Citi for reconsideration? Their letter does not have a number, only an address.
  8. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    I could BT from my wifes BofA. But I really just wanted the card to replace the Cap1 I just closed. I think I'm ready to do business with a legit issuer now...lol
  9. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

  10. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Marci.
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    CITIBANK PLATINUM SELECT # 1-800-950-5114
    They could transfer you if this is wrong...then you don't have to pay for the call...
  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    I would suggest that you demand immediate removal of the inq. for preposterous declination.

    Create a new precedent. This is absolutely rediculous, don't stand for it.

  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Cap One will show as closed. I closed four accounts with them recently and within two or three months, all were reporting as "paid/account closed by consumer".

  14. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    HeHe Butch. I think I will do that if I don't get a reasonable rep on the phone tomorrow. I was expecting something like age of accounts to short, or something else when my wife told me I got something from Citi in the mail. Imagine my surprise when I got home, opened the letter, and read that my good payment history is hurting me...go figure, huh?
  15. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    The reason for their declination should be reasonable. If your file was too short, yeah that would be reasonable. If Congress didn't intend to differentiate between what is reasonable and what isn't, I doubt they would have included the requirement that they provide a specific reason for the declination.

    But since you have no outstanding balances the CC figures they won't make enough money on you, so turn you down.

    I don't think THAT is reasonable for you to suffer a hard inq. for the next 2 years over.

    I bet a jury would agree.

    (Not that it outta go that far) LOL
  16. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Well, I just got off the phone with a Citi rep. Apparantly they want me to go out and charge around 25% of my available credit up, then reapply in a couple of months.

    She told me they couldn't see my payment history without a balance. Whatever! So anyone applying for citi better keep a balance from month to month or you will get denied.

    Screw them, I can live without their card then. We will see if I get the Southwest Airlines FF card I applied for in the meantime.

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