I was denied for dell and gateway, will either of the banks that finance for them reconsider you if you pay half the amount for what you want and get them to finance the rest? My Experian really, really sucks, and that is all they will pull on me. I have plenty of credit cards and a car loan, have never, ever had a single late on them, it is collection agencies that is causing all the problems, if I point this out to them, might that help? Thanks in advance.
Yup, Have done validation letters and did not get what I wanted back, one company has 5 entries and the other has 4. One company won't deal with me, they say it is against the law to delete a valid account, no payment in exchange for deletion from them. I have tried everything, they are not budging on this. I am hoping the other one will.
I was told by the Gateway rep that if your debt to income ratio is too high, you will be declined. They look for a DTI of half of your income.
No, no estoppel, one company isn't trying to collect from me at all, they are happy with all the entries they have on my reports. The other cs is the just awful, when I had done everything I could to get them to take payment for deletion, I told the lady that I was trying to buy a house and could not with the 5 collections. She told me that if I could not afford to pay the collection at once, $1500, that I certainly could not/should not be buying a house because we could not afford it, the way she said it was so awful and condescending. This company did give me validation, but I don't think that 3-4 of the items did have an actual signature, they were just copies of the bills. They are the suing type and I cannot afford to have a judgement on my reports, it was start paying and have a paid collection on my reports or be sued.
For future reference - NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER tell a CA you are trying to get a mortgage! They now know they have an advantage. If the items they sent for validation were just copies of bills, then they haven't validated.
It wasn't like that, they say they are an "honest" collection agency and it is illegal to delete an entry on a credit report unless they were wrong. I talked to Supervisors and owners, they would not budge. I then resorted to begging telling them that we were trying to buy a house. I even called the original creditors and they said they would talk to the ca, they did and they still would not remove, the hospitals were all for payment for deletion.
Just cause they had the gun to his head He didn't have to pull the trigger for them like that did he? Yup shot emself in the foot.
Hain't no such animal ! If they were honest they wouldn't be pulling this crap on you. Just because they're having a sale on BS it don't mean you have to buy any.
If the original creditor could not get them to delete a valid account, then I don't know what else could be done. You can think I shot myself in the foot if you want, but it is better than getting sued and make no mistake they file hundreds of lawsuits per month. There is no winning against them, at all. Now, the orginal creditor said that they would write me a letter that I could send to the CB's saying that no such account exists, but that hardly matters when the ca verifies the debt each time it is disputed. I got someone nice in the office at the hospital who went through the same thing from this company, was buying a home and couldn't get anywhere with this company. I have tried every avenue possible, so please quit trying to make me look like a moron, verfication, validation, certified letters, letters and calls to the original creditor and the ca.
Oh, they do have plenty of choices besides paying them, I told them I wouldn't pay them a dime unless they deleted, No go, she said see you in court. Since the newspaper is filled with lawsuits they files everyday against people there was no option. Do you think, in all your infinite wisdom, that a Judgement is going to help me any?
look sam, no doubt you have tried to get it deleted. however even if they are not trying to collect right now, they still have to validate. if they do not validate then you send the estoppel and then you contact the cra's to get it removed. so if you have not sent the estoppel, send it. if they have continued collection activity without validating the debt, they have violated the fdcpa, and fcra and they now owe you $1000 per violation. They say stuff about suieng all the time, they can sue you right now if they want, but they also depend on the fact that people do not know there rights. if the original creditor says that no debt exists, the ca cannot collect it ( unless they bought it, which is doubtful) so go back and analyze everything that you have done. list it here so we can help... but do not feel like you are done because they say so!
No, the hospital said they would give me a letter saying no debt exists if I paid the accounts off, then I could send that to the cb's but the point is the ca is verifying it, even with the letter the cb will ask them to validate, and they will. See what I am saying? I also have no doubt that they will sue me, they do it everday here, they are not known for jacking around with people.
Bill copies aren't validation. To get a judgment they have to win a suit.Just how do you think they are going to win the suit without the proof?
Who is this CA that is above the law? How is the CA going to get a judgment on an account that don't exist? This is a 1000 dollar violation for every time they have done this.
What is the name of this CA that makes its own laws&answers to no one???? Addressed judgement issue in another post.
did you try sending cease and desist letter to ca and deal only with the original creditor? This gives the ca no authority and then you can work out a deal with the hospital. They cannot sue you if they have no right to collect the debt!