target is easy to get, "IF" you never had an RNB account in the past that you defaulted on (mervyns, target, oldnavy?). if you owe a debt on an RNB (retailers national bank) account from long ago they will deny you and start hounding you to pay the old debt again.
radio shack? they mustve changed, back 8 years ago when I actually had good credit I could get everything but a radio shack card. It was annoying.
Radio Shack is very easy. Also I forgot Kohl´s Regarding Discover, it is hard. I have been denied three or four times for Discover.
I got a discover card a few month back and it seemed pretty easy (only 1200.00 CL but that was enough for the balance transfer 0% offer)....I am having a HARD time getting a JCpenney's card though. I shop there alot and would like their card but I keep getting denied!
Helen - that's interesting. Discover is usually hard to get, harder than most cc cards. JC Penney, in my opinion, is one of the easiest. I got one of those when I had nothing else. That's actually where my card credit started.
Hmmm...I wonder what is up with that? LOL That's ok...I have enough credit that I need to pay off before getting anymore! YIKES
I finally got approved with target at 669 on equifax. However, with a 604 I got a 2k carter lumber card through conseco.
I found the May Company stores (Hecht's, Foley's, Robinsons May) to be fairly easy. I can't comment about Penney's, because I've had that card for years. When I got my first one they were smaller that what we now consider a "regular" card. About the same length, maybe 2/3 as high. And they were bright colors--orange or chartreuse, as I recall.