Desperate - Help Needed!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dw74, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. dw74

    dw74 New Member


    So, here's my situation in a nutshell. I had a credit card for a retail store. I always paid it on time. In early 2006, I was getting ready to move out of state, so I sent a letter to all my creditors to change my address, and I made a final payment to this one particular credit card. Shortly thereafter, I moved out of state and and never received another bill for that credit card.

    Fast forward to six months ago, I was online and decided to check my credit report. To my horror, I see that this particular credit card company had charged off my account as bad debt for a balance of $68! I immediately did two things: I disputed the item to all three credit bureaus and then sent a letter to the creditor asking them to verify the amount, stating I had never received a bill. Well, the outcome was that all three credit bureaus state that the credit card company verified the amount, and this is still being reported to my credit reports EVERY month. After nearly a month, I got a letter back from the credit card company stating that they no longer owned the account and could do nothing to help clear this up.

    This is so frustrating. To date, I still have not received a bill. I have no idea who owns this account. If I owe this amount, I would gladly pay it, but I don't know who to pay it to. Meanwhile, it's getting reported to my credit reports regularly and destroying my credit. What can I do???

    Thanks in advance!
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    What exactly do your credit reports indicate? Just "charged off"? Anything relating to who owns that account now??
  3. dw74

    dw74 New Member


    My credit reports still indicate that the original credit card company owns it. Each report shows "Charged Off" and it's updated every month.


  4. TeeVeeDude

    TeeVeeDude Well-Known Member

    Call them. If they can't accept payment, they can surely tell you who can.
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Depending on the wording in the letter from them, I might send a copy of the letter to all 3 bureaus. As long as it doesn't say anything like "You do owe the money , just not to us."
    If it says something along the lines of "we no longer own the account in question" and it gives no reference as to whom owns it, then I would send a copy of the letter...

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