Hi all Newbie who has been up reading all this info day and night. I'm organized on what is wrong with my 3 CR's and just have a few questions on where to start and how to do it properly and effectively. Please anyone with some ideas or knowledge; feel free to let me have it. My current situation is quite a bit of old stuff that isn't scheduled to roll off until 2008-09. We are looking to get a mortgage in the next 6 months to a year so I have to work kinda fast. (I know I can't expect miracles I've already disputed an item I knew wasn't mine and got it deleted (except from Experian) and I have composed a letter to them for more investigation and proof they obtained to "validate" and update. Ok NEGATIVE STUFF I have a judgment obtained by default in April 2001 for $2086 for ATT Universal. It's supposed to be on record until apr 2008. Not paid. Back in NY (where I was living when debt was incurred.....SOL is 10 years on Judgment) I am currently living in AZ.....SOL is 5-additional 5 upon request (indefinitely) Not sure what to do......can I try to dispute and vacate without paying. I wasn't served properly.......I never got notice. I have 2 Cap 1 cc $657 CO with bal of $1116 and $983 CO with bal of $1665 as of Mar 2006-unsure how to proceed with them.....Anyone have any advice or experience with Cap One? I am currently in repayment with a CA (before creditnet I know stupid) for $50 a month until paid off for Applied Card aka Cross Country Bank for $1269...have paid about $300 so far. My status with them has not been updated on my CRA so I am sending a letter demanding they change my status since they are not reporting my repayment as I had requested when I started repayment and in the same letter I demanded when I'm done paying I want account deleted. Hopefully I can do that. Just pulled my 3 CR's tonight.....and got the FAKO scores Exp 567 EQ 561 TU 576 Median of 3 568 Well that's better than is was in 2002.....it was 455 But there are loads of inquiries for auto loans when I was shopping, and I read somewhere if they are done within 15 or 30 days they count as ONE. Obviously that was a lie. So I am writing to ask for removal of some of them. I have a few good trades as well-2 low limit cc that are current, a small personal loan, student loan for $9700 and a car loan all current. My score was like 580 in March.....got the car loan at 23% Anyway if anyone can please give me advice on what to do and how to do it. There is so much information and I don't want to screw up (I already have in some ways) Just wondering if anyone has any more advice for me? I have composed loads of letter of verification to CA's, a settlement letter to Providian and some disputes to CRA's......any advice on what to do with Judgement and I have found some hard pull inquiries from CA's and was wondering do I send them verification letters then demand they remove the inquiry or what? I keep reading you can get $1000 for that kind of thing if it's not permissible.....but I thought collections were permissible? THANKS in advance Msthang77
Hi Msthang, Narrow down your request to an individual issue, one thread at a time. You'll get more attention that way. Welcome aboard. : )
The CRA doesn't need to remove the inquiries for the auto loans. The FICO scoring adjusts for the cluster in the scoring calculation. http://www.myfico.com/CreditEducation/CreditInquiries.aspx "What to know about "rate shopping." Looking for a mortgage or an auto loan may cause multiple lenders to request your credit report, even though youre only looking for one loan. To compensate for this, the score ignores all mortgage and auto inquiries made in the 30 days prior to scoring. So if you find a loan within 30 days, the inquiries won't affect your score while you're rate shopping. In addition, the score looks on your credit report for auto or mortgage inquiries older than 30 days. If it finds some, it counts all those inquiries that fall in a typical shopping period as just one inquiry when determining your score. For FICO scores calculated from older versions of the scoring formula, this shopping period is any 14 day span. For FICO scores calculated from the newest versions of the scoring formula, this shopping period is any 45 day span. Each lender chooses which version of the FICO scoring formula it wants the credit reporting agency to use to calculate your FICO score. "
Thanks-some of this stuff is hard to figure out.....so I will not send those letters if they aren't going to count against me. Does anyone have any idea what I should do about my Cap One accounts? I know I owe it but should I dispute anyway?
If you had duplicate inquiries from the same potential auto lender, that pushed the span of inquiries beyond the period where they are lumped together for FICO purposes, then it might be worth requesting that the duplicates be removed. Sometimes the CRAs will remove them if they are duplicates.