Determining Date of last payment

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by klink, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. klink

    klink Member

    Hello all,

    I am currently working to try to diffuse an very scary situation that has come up with me and Citibank. I am pretty sure that I am way out of SOL for this account, however, I recently got a credit report and they are showing the Date of Last activity as 2006. I've meticulously checked my bank records from that time period and there is absolutely no payment made to Citibank during that time.

    So my question is, without trying a 623 letter to Citi, or filing a formal dispute with the CRAs, is there a way to try to determine the date of last payment? For example, can I call the non-dispute department with a CRA and see if they can help?

    I just don't want to "wake the sleeping giant" in this case because if this is indeed an account of mine, due to non-payment over a 6 year period, it has ballooned to quite a substantial amount of money.

    Thank you to anyone who might be able to lend a hand!

  2. sparq

    sparq Well-Known Member

    Do you happen to have a copy of your credit report from before the change?
  3. klink

    klink Member


    Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I don't. In fact, none of my actual credit reports show what the DOLA is. The only reason I know Citi is saying its 2006 is because I got a tri-merged report from my mortgage guy and it shows it there.

    Normally I wouldn't worry, because like I've said before, I've checked the bank records and there is no evidence of payment. However, one of my old reports shows this (actual numbers are different):

    3/06: $2000
    4/06: $2157 (+157)
    5/06: $2308 (+151)
    6/06: $2423 (+115)**
    7/06: $2594 (+171)

    It seems that for some reason in 5/06 there is a lower balance...

    Would calling a CRA be able to get me that info?

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