His scores are all decent, could be better but I am satisfied with the result I have gotten in 4 months. He's tried Citibank (pulled TU), State Farm (pulled EXP), Amex LOC (EXP), the one we were talking about a few days ago that pulls a soft on EXP for a checking account, target visa (EQU). Denied for all of them. He has 6 inquiries on EQU, 0 on EXP, 4 on TU, within the last year. On EQU he has 1 unpaid collection from 1998 for $120, and 2 PAID CA's (i'd like to find a card that DOESN"T pull EQU, seeing as inquiries are permanent). He has 5 positive accounts oldest one being 4 years old. EXP he has 1 paid CA from 99, and a 30 day late pay from 99. 5 positive accounts oldest 4 years old. TU 2 paid CA's, 1 from 01, 1 from 99. 1 PARTIALLY PAID CA from 01 (killing him) and 4 positive accounts. 3 out of the 5 accounts he has he is an AU with me. 2 of them he is joint with me. The CA that is partially paid, I have sent validation they sent EVERYTHING, signed documents, account history. I have tried to settle for deletion no way, they refuse. He really needs a retail card of some sort, he can't get a Target, Cap ONE even denied him! Any advice? Thank you if you have read this far!
such new baddies will do the most damage. Don't expect to get anything "prime" until they have aged. Maybe in a couple of years when the Baddies are 4-5 years old you'll have more success, but the bottom line is score. If you can get into the 680's you will see more success. That seems the be the threshold many companies use (regardless of derogs). good luck, remember it takes time...
Credit Bureau Services of NH. BTW I think the reason why I'm so sure he could get prime is I got 2 Citibank cards with a 580 score.
I had an unpaid charge off for $125, it has now been deleted, but it was from late 98 and I got the Citibank cards 12/01