I actually just stumbled onto that whole BK fiasco this morning. Don't know how I could've missed that one! That happened a couple of weeks ago now, I think.
The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated...lol. I'm on vacation at Martha's Vineyard with my family (mother, brother and sis-in-law). I bought a new laptop in nyc the day I was driving to MV's and it has taken me awhile to get it set up and learn how to use it. It is a fujitsu s-series...a really awesome laptop. It weighs 3.5 lbs and is a little over an inch thick. A 13.3" screen. It has 512MB of RAM and 40G's of hard drive. It also comes with a dvd/cd/cd-rw drive and an external floppy. It screams at 857 MHz's and can expand to 1.24MB of RAM. It came with a 3 yr warranty included. So it is my new toy and between spending time at the beach and visiting with my family I've had very little free time to get it up and going. So this is the first post from my new sidekick...have ultra-slim laptop will travel! It was nice to be missed and will be back in force for sure next week. I brought my books to study .....hahaha...fat chance I'll do that! Wish you guys were here! later. clc
"If you fall out that window and break both of your legs don't come running to me" LOLOL Make sure you have on clean underwear case ya have an accident.