About a deletion, or a gain in score, or nail a CA for lying that you wished there was a creditnet hotline where someone was available 24 hours a day to talk to, instead of trying to show your excitement (or anger) through words on a chat board? Doc- where's the "message of the day"?? At least with that I was able to connect a voice with ONE of the 1700+ members...lol I need a vacation!
Did you ever get your credit report and sit there for an hour reading over it again and again and again? I'm addicted to this repair thing. Poor folks with perfect credit don't know the fun they're missing! I don't know what I'm gonna do when my files are cleaned up. Anyway, give me a call when you get good news. We'll talk, we'll compare scores, we'll laughâ??we'll cry...
did you ever forget you were at work, because you were trying to check your ce and creditnet to see what was happening....... (oops, that never happened)
When you got an item deleted and no one was around and found yourself explaining your credit issues with your dogs? Don't laugh, my dogs are very patient people, especially when I give them a cookie. Bobbi
I tell my computer screen. It's rather amusing to see myself sitting here hugging the monitor. Now that I think about it, it's rather sick. Forget it, I don't do that....
I've been excited about my score growth, but I'm saving all the jubilation for when I get approved for my first prime account. Of course the major celebration with the 16 piece brass band is on reserve for the day I get my chapter 7 deleted. Right now, the only 16 piece I see is at KFC.
Oh, yes. Credit repair and getting remarks removed, points gained and all related activities is the center of my life now. I haven't had this kind of excitement since the days of trading the internet bubble online!!!!
KHM - You can't take a vacation, you're supposed to be racing me to 700 And yes, I've gotten very excited, just today as a matter of fact. GT