I have not been on here for days, because I have been hiding, crying my tears out, because we had to let our house go. Credit score dropped 100 points and we didn't know why. I posted a thread about it a while ago. Any way the house I designed, I loved sooooo much, my first home, is going to be put on the market for sell. I am soooo sad, I don't want some one else to have MY HOUSE! I designed this house. I really wish we could still get this house, I have been trying to get the credit score back up so we can get this house, but it going to take time, time that the builder will NOT allow.........Please any one throw any ideas you have out there. I am still sad, and still wanting and needing my first house...........BooWho!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The lender probably could have worked with us, if the builder could have waited, but No they wanted to charge us 107 dollars a day for interest until we could close, we don't have that kind of money, plus putting 10k down. Goodness. I am turly sad!
I mean really guys where do we go from here. You don't find a house like this for this price and land here in Charlotte.....Ok its like this, the house is really about 238k and we added upgrades and it came to be about 248k, The house sits on .698 acres of Land and the square footed is 3424....I have yet to find a community that gives you that much land and house for that money...Evey one else gives you LIL space with LIL land for about 250k.....I am totally depressed, I think I was going to have a breakdown.....Really yall what am I going to do....Just face it and move on? How can you move on pass your first dream home? Really we went out looking this weekend and I keep comparing other homes to my almost first one. Goodness.....I don't know what to do!
I wish I had some advice for you.. keep your head up... in my life every time something bad has happened for no reason, something good has come out of it!
Thank you!!!! OK OK, I know this is not a counselor board, some kind of therapy or summin but you guys give good adviceâ?¦
Any idea what caused the 100 point drop in your scores? Any chance its a major mistake on the part of some CRA or CA? On the support side... My wife and I first started looking for our dream home about 5 years ago. It was going to be our first home together, brand spanking new, with all the bells and whistles, and we found it in a new development that both of us loved. We could barely afford it. It was going to stretch both of our incomes. We started getting nervous and we backed out. Guess what? There was an opening in a different part of the state wiithin the company my wife worked for. She and I both wanted to be there (San Diego), so she applied for the transfer and got it. So now both of us were in San Diego, and we started looking for another Dream House... and we found it. Signed a purchase contract, made plans to move, then my wife decided she wasn't happy at her new position and wanted to switch jobs. Well, it was going to take both of our incomes to support the house payment, so without a secure employment future for my wife, we had to back out of that deal as well. Both of us were bummed. After my wife got her new job, we went out looking for another Dream House, but couldn't find anyhting we liked. So we decided to just get in the housing market anyway and settled on an older home in an older neighborhood, and thats where we are today. BUT!!! Just on a lark, my wife and I were driving around one weekend and spotted a new development. Both of us were very impressed with the development and we absolutely loved the architecture and style of the homes. My wife couldn't find any flaw in the homes, and with the other two experiences, she always had a couple of negatives on her list of pros and cons. Since we have been homeowners for a couple of years, we have the equity to put against the new house, upgrades etc., and we are really excited to be moving forward with this Dream House. The point of all this babble is that had things gone differently for us in the past, and we had bought the first Dream House, or the second Dream House, we wouldn't have the opportunity we have today. I know its absolutely heartbreaking to be disappointed in such a fashion, but have faith there are better things in store for you. Its hard to believe that now, I know, but keep your chin up and believe in your rosy future. Be Well Wichita
I have no advice, but I can offer support. I'm so so sorry that you lost your house. I know someone else asked this, but can you let us know what's on your reports, so we can help figure out how to get your scores back up? THere has to be a way!!
Dear dimmples1, let me tell you a little story that might make you fell better. I understand that you have soem sadness for not being able to get your dream house for now. But you have much to be thankful for and hopeful for. you have more blessing than you are putting attention on. Iam a single parent of five four stay with me. I worked my way out of terrible credit, out of abusive relationships and extreme poverty froim childhood. I now have the house and car I have wanted buit I know that there will more than likely only MY INCOME to support me and my children. Yes I prayed and got the house and the car. But I have to have extreme tfaith not to have fear over me being the only provider for me and my children. I think about, a lot. What would happened if I loss my job or fail behind in my bills a few months? can you imagine. So while you may feel a certain loss, I urge you to think about the possibilities that are still afforded to you and move forward. Thaks giving and prayer works even if it does not work the way you want it to. I hope this helps you think of the bigger picture Ihope you feel hopeful.
dimples1, Sorry about the house. I know the feeling, my ex-wife and I went through a similar situation. However, don't cry your eyes out anymore. Concentrate all that energy in determining why your score droped 100 points. Once you take care of that you can shoot for the next dream house. And yes, there is another dream house out there waiting for you. Good luck!
If we can figure out a way to get your scores up quickly, that home might still be in your reach. Let us help you.
I hope you are aware tracey, many "intelligent" people's brain or thought pattern work faster than thier fingers. lets ALL try to be kind. Faults and all. kindness is containers. Oh my, I meant contagious
Umm, I was talking about a post that has since been deleted. It was very mean about the original posters situation. He is a troll that keeps posting on peoples threads, and making deragatory comments. I apologize if you thought I was talking about you. I wasn't. I'm sorry.
Tony, Scroll up to Gib's post were he quotes this poster screen name "thehood" aka Bobby. Tracey was referring to his comments. This guy has been a pain for a long time.
I'm not aware of what post you are referring to but, if you're going to bitch about someone's spelling, learn how to spell "common"
Ok, I give up. Sorry. Common, common, common. Got it. If you'd read the post, directly above yours, it says to go up to gibs post, where he highlighted the post that PBM has deleted. It was from the same poster that you just replied to a short while ago, and said that you were starting to get annoyed by all the crap from "bobby" sorry, so was I, so go on and pick my post apart. I'm beyond caring at this very moment. Thanks!
Tequila, straight up, make it a double. This poor post got highjacked, and all I wanted to do was offer support. I'm very sorry to the original poster.