The builder is going to put it on the market. OK. Does that mean the house will sell tomorrow? NO! So go to the mortgage company and ask them what it would take to be approved. If that doesn't work, try another mortgage company. You have until the house sells.
Does any one have any ideas on a good broker, lender that could help us out? Any suggestions please. Thanks
dimples Do you know what the three scores both were and are? If the lender took the middle score, was the lower score over 100 points below the middle to begin with? What I am trying to say is, even if the one score dropped precipitously like that, unless the other scores did also, that just means there is a new middle score and that may be sufficient to get the loan. Just a thought and I hope it is helpful. fla-tan
Yes I thought about that one too, and the middle score now would be 584, which is a lil low to get the loan. Like I said we could get a rapid rescore, but the builder is NOT welling to wait any longer to us in this house. They want to make a sell. So I am still stuck............I thank you all for your support.
Dimples, Are you in Charlotte, NC. If so, so am I. I think my husband has the name of a broker that might be able to help. Will try and get the info for you. Sorry to hear about this.
Yes I am in Charlotte, NC, and if you guys have that info please please pass to me........thanks so much for your help. Really!
Have you checked out Countrywide?? They have a rapid close program, and have a program specializing in problem credit. It's worth looking into. Good luck!
you can check them online too, to get more information. I know many people here have gone through them.
dimples, heart goes out to you! There was a time about a month ago that *I* thought I wasn't going to move into the house that *I* designed and I was physically ill until I closed and got the I know exactly what you are going through. I'm in Charlotte also, so if you don't mind me asking, what builder? Also, is it in Charlotte, proper or in a burb? I can't believe that the builder would sell your house! They can do nothing but lose money because they will more than likely NOT get what you were going to pay for it (I mean, after the upgrades). No builder I knows wants to build a home for someone then make it an inventory home. They're likely to lose a lot of money. I suggest you look for another lender. If you really want this home, see if you can find someone else to help you. Don't think about Countrywides "less than perfect credit" because they don't do them here in NC (checked already). If you get the loan, the builder will surely take your money...don't you believe that for one second that they won't.
Dear God, I'm writing to say I'm sorry For being angry yesterday When you seemed to ignore my prayer And things didn't go my way First, my car broke down I was very late for work But I missed that awful accident Was that your handiwork? I found a house I loved But others got there first I was angry, then relieved When I heard the pipes had burst!
You might look into Champion Mortgage. They are a Div. of Key bank. 1-800-CHAMPION I just did a refinance with them, credit score of 530 95% LTV. Start to finish 4 days. Things will work out for you. Take a deep breath, step back. Organize and attack! Anybody else who may want to buy that house will have the same hoops to jump through as you. They will have setbacks and delays too. Nevermind the have time. I think the pressure the builder is putting you under is very unprofessional. That's just nasty. Does he sell used cars too Will he accept a signed contract contingent upon satisfactory financing? Best wishes, good luck! You'll get it done! Radi8
6.75 on an ARM. That rate is fixed for the first year. That's why I'm here...gotta get that score up before a year is up so I can refi again! I don't trust ARM's but it's better...much better than what I had before! No points. no prepayment penalty. Did have to pay off some-not all- current collections out of the loan proceeds. Also paid a 1,000 origination fee-rolled into the loan. They were not concerned with medical collections, or a cap 1 chargeoff. Radi8
Thanks SweetnSas, the builder is Cambridge Homes and the location is in Mint Hill. If you know of any lenders here in Charlotte, that can help me out, please post them for me. Thanks so much.