Didn't get the 250k House

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dimples1, Oct 20, 2002.

  1. dimples1

    dimples1 Well-Known Member

    This is nice, yes every thing happen for a reason, I am not sure what the reason is. But I still want my house. I have lost weight over this...which is a good thing on the outside, but physcially it is NOT healthy. Goodness....Thanks every one.
  2. learnmore

    learnmore Well-Known Member

  3. dimples1

    dimples1 Well-Known Member

    I appreciate every one for helping and all the good advice....Thanks.
  4. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member


    Keep us posted about what happens!
    Good luck and don't give up the good fight!
  5. dimples1

    dimples1 Well-Known Member

    Fla-Tan is helping us out, I am very happy to say some one from this group of nice people has stepped up and is trying to help us. Thanks Fla-Tan.......I just called the sales agent and the house is still available and Whoooop Whooooppppp.....Cross our fingers guys........Thanks.
  6. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    I am so glad that the house is still available. Now let's get you in it. BTW....thanks for the kind words.


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