I called my state's licensing office to check and see if the two agencies that have contacted me are licensed or not. It turns out neither of these agencies needs to be licensed becasue they are debt purchasers. What I'm curious about is what's the difference with a CA who purchases a debt and one who doesn't? I'm assuming it means that the purchasing kind will have less info readily avaialble to validate my debt as their "validation" arrived in the mail today. It's a printout generated by their company's computer that shows amount owed, interest/fees and total due along with the O.C. name, nothing else. It states the bill is for a hospital visit, however, it doesn't show a date of service, what service was performed whether my insurance was billed or not...and I don't recall having gone to this hospital before.
Why don't you call the hospital? The CA may have problems getting actual records from the hospital, or providing them to you (due to HIPPA), but doctor's records tend to be saved for a long time, separate from billing information, and if you were, or were not, a patient there, the hospital should be able to independently tell you. If it's not your account, direct confirmation of this from the hospital may be the fastest way of getting the CA to go away.
In the mean time, dispute again with the CA, requesting specific information to determine patient, date of service, original account number(s), attending physicians, etc, Specifically indicate you do not recognize this bill, doubt whether it is even yours, and that their information is insufficient to determine this. Send a copy of this letter with your dispute to the hospital, requesting the same information. (All letters CRRR).
Does the bill indicate even an approximate date? You would probably know if you went to a hospital, and if you didn't. do you have any ex-spouses who might have had a joint dependent treated, but put your name and information as responsible for payment?
No information on the bill as to date, service anything. I'm single, never been married and was on my dad's insurance until I was 21. I plan to dispute and request more information, I'm not paying a $300+ bill just because they sent me their printout (with an interest fee of $30+) just because they claim I owe them for it. If they can't provide me with more information, that's not my problem. I'm not paying for a bill they can not prove is mine. If it is than I'd like to see where my insurance was billed (and what my insurance paid) before I'm going to give anyone a single nickle.
Also dispute with the hospital. First ask nicely. If that doesn't work, go there in person, with the printout from the CA, tell them you have never been seen at their hospital, if that is the case, and ask them why a CA is trying to collect from you on a bill they claim was from their hospital. Make it clear they will be dragged into litigation with the CA over damages to your credit report based on their bill if they can't resolve it. Make them uncomfortable.