Dipute or validation?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SSgfunk, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. SSgfunk

    SSgfunk Active Member

    I'm a little confused on what my first steps should be... I'm about to start working on repairing my reports as well as my girlfriend's. My question for now is related specifically to her situation.

    I'm working on 3 of her accounts right now. All 3 are charged off credit cards. I'm trying to decide how to go about getting these items deleted. Should I send debt validation or dispute debt letters. And should I send them to the CRA, the CA or the OC?

    We are really excited about repairing our credit and have a goal to buy a house within 1 year.

  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    can you post the specifics on the accounts so we can help you figure out a strategy?
  3. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    LOL - and I thought I was the only won who got excited over stuff like this!
  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    count me in on credit anonymous (if you couldn't tell)...i get a little depressed when i'm in waiting mode, ie, waiting to get results back...

    hi my name is jenz and not only do i enjoy fixing my own credit i enjoy helping others fix theirs!

    BTW ih8debt - thank you so much for answering posts!
  5. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dipute or validation?

    well - i feel like i can help (what else am I going to do while I wait for creditors to post my stinking ZERO balances!)

    some i just won't touch - those are the ones i let you handle!
  6. SSgfunk

    SSgfunk Active Member

    Sure she has:

    BOFA $1895 (I don't have the CA info with me at work)

    Providian $2098 (turned over to capital management services)

    JC Penney $644 (turned over to client services)
  7. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    what is the date of last activity on these?
  8. SSgfunk

    SSgfunk Active Member

    BOFA last payment made 02/04

    Providian last payment made 12/03

    JCpenney last payment made 03/04
  9. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    All those are recent charge offs. Are you guys consider settling with the companies, bankruptcy, or something like that.
  10. SSgfunk

    SSgfunk Active Member

    We would prefer not to settle and definately would not want to file bankruptcy. Do you think that the deletetions are a possibility?
  11. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dipute or validation?

    You say you don't want to settle, but what about PFD (pay for deletion).
  12. SSgfunk

    SSgfunk Active Member

    Re: Re: Dipute or validation?

    PFD would definately be an option but we would prefer to have it deleted without payment....
  13. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dipute or validation?

    yeah, we all wish that but depending on your timeframe PFD might be the best way to go if you need act quickly.
  14. SSgfunk

    SSgfunk Active Member

    Re: Re: Dipute or validation?

    I see, well if we wanted to try w/o a payment which method should we use?
  15. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Dipute or validation?

    SPAM dispute - in other words just keep disputing over and over and over, and when you start getting frivilous letters from the CRA's, do a procedure request, do nutcase letters, you name it but keep at it because all it takes is one time for them not to respond.....

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