direct deposit of ss and va disability

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    Must you direct deposit your ss or va disability or can you still ask to have a check sent by mail instead?
  2. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    This might not help for other states, cause I'm in Louisiana, but my friend's dad was scared of his social security check bein stolen from the mail - so he had them direct deposit it. From that - I'm guessin they can mail it.

    Too, Regions bank here in LA will waive the monthly service charge when you direct deposit your social security checks.

    And, some local places here that cash checks will cash social security checks, but ya gotta have a valid license, and something with your address on it.
    So again, from that - I'm figurin you can get it mailed.

    Can ya call your local social security office, or the other place, and see if they mail them?
  3. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    The last paper VA check I got was over 3 years ago.

    You can call them at 1-800-827-1000 have your ssn, or c-file number.
  4. amyl

    amyl Member

    In mother was getting paper checks and then all of a sudden she didn't get one for June. She is still going round n round with them to get it.

    They told her that checks should be DD now (I think for everyone) and she had to get an account. She got a debit card (not a bank account)...where I used to work and she has got her dd and she loves it.

    If you want to check out the type of card go to this or ask me about it here. I don't think you have to dd...but they will eventually and it is SAFER and ensures you will get your checks. Hope this helps
  5. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    VA told me only homless Vets can get paper, and it must go to a 3rd party like a halfway house, or rehab center.

    I felt they were forcing me into DD. Not sure how acurate the info is.
    They also told me you can not draw 2 forms of goverment compensation at the same time, it is one or the other.
    However this may have changed with the military pension reforms. They were getting cheated out of their pension, or their disablity, their choice.
  6. LRM216

    LRM216 Well-Known Member

    Atlanta, GA - my daughter gets her ss checks in the mail.
  7. amyl

    amyl Member

    What funds are you getting?
  8. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    I get both ss and va disability direct deposited and i rather have them send me a check in the mail this way if a judgement is placed against me the powers that be can't get there hands on it,like freezing my checking account where my checks are direct deposited.I have heard some say that the powers that be can and cannot do this.I just want to play it safe.
  9. amyl

    amyl Member

    I dunno what they are allowed/not allowed to do. It might depend on the state and/or SSI rules. I was always under the impression you were not suppossed to have a bank accnt with these checks.

    That is why I had my mother get DD onto a debit card (not a bank). If they wanted to keep your checks..they can always not mail them to you. If they check for like accounts...they cannot find the debit card account cause it's not a bank.

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